chapter nine

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Y/n face stung even more because of the cold and of course it didn't help that her face was wet with tears. She decided not to climb up to the treehouse so she just went to the gazebo. It was snowing so there weren't any people around just her. Inside the gazebo there wasn't that much snow so she just sat down inside and waited until she could calm down of course she didn't. Everything hurt from the bruises inflicted by nobody else but her own father to her shattered mind. Y/n clawed at the wood she was sitting on but the tears kept on going. Oh how Y/n wished somebody was there to hold her fragile form as she just cried.

After a few good minutes of Y/n bawling her eyes out she was shaking at this point but she didn't feel cold. She got up and started walking towards her house. She was about to get out of the park but a familiar car standing in the parking lot caught her attention. She went up to it looking inside if anyone was sitting inside but to her disappointment it was empty. Y/n looked around for the two boys for a little bit but she didn't see anyone fitting the description of them. She shrugged and started walking home again until she noticed her footprints in the snow. She started heading back to the white car and as she expected there were two sets of footprints around it not counting hers. Y/n picked up her phone out of her pocket and checked the time and her battery percentage. 7 pm was shown on the screen as well as 94% Y/n turned the flash on and started following the footprints they led into the forest and of course Y/n started walking inside. She wasn't scared of the forest instead she felt calmer when she was walking through it. The forest was calm only a few deer running around and making leaves rattle far away you could hear an owl. It was calming just how she expected. She ran into some branches because she didn't look where she was going. Y/n kept her eyes on the footprints until she finally started seeing two figures moving in the dark in front of her. Anxiety hit her like a train but she pushed it to the back of mind and continued pacing forward. Confusion overcame her instead of anxiety when she didn't see anything in front of her. Y/n looked around and jumped a little when a few rabbits ran down the little path in front of her she let out a sigh of relief and she turned around not thinking about going further into the forest. She'll see the boys some other time. She was expecting some sort of cliche to happen and some hands would grab her only to realise it was Tim. Y/n chuckled and made her way back out of the forest. When she exited the darkness of the park behind her she still didn't see anyone in the car. Y/n slumped a bit and continued walking home.

When she got back home she quietly opened the back door and stepped inside. The house only held darkness so Y/n tippy toed to her fathers bedroom and peeked in. There was a dark figure snoring on the bed Y/n didn't interrupt her fathers sleep and she made her way back into her room. Y/n changed her clothes and laid in bed waiting for sleep to take over but sadly it never came so she sat up and went to the bathroom to get her sleeping medicine that she forgot to drink for the past few days. Along with the sleeping pills she took painkillers and antidepressants. After laying in bed for what seemed to be hours paid off and Y/n well asleep there was shuffling outside her window but she was already out cold so she never investigated the strange sounds.

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