Chapter 1

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"(Y/n)! I need your help in the kitchen!"

"Coming Alfred!"

I hiked up my skirts and jogged down the hall to my friend's aid. He stood in the kitchen with an apron wrapped around his waist and muttering frustrated swears as he opened every cupboard in the room. Alfred and I worked for the Williams, a well to-do family that treated me and Alfred like as their own. Alfred's family had worked for them forever, and when my family died he took me in and raised me as his own. Apparently he and my father were good friends, so when he found out that I was all alone, he had to help me!

"You called sir?"

"Yes, where is the bloody mint?"

"It should be in the cupboard next to you!"

He opened it and grumbled, "It's not in there!" I walked to his side and peered in, and sure enough, we were out!

"It's alright Alfred, I'll run down to the market and pick up some more! No need to panic," I chuckled.

"Thank you lass! Oh, and while you're down there, can you pick up more carrots and potatoes? I'm going to make a soup later and we're low on the blasted things."

"Of course!"

I walked out of the kitchen and up to my room to change out of my house clothes and grab my basket. I picked out my (f/c) skirt and top and picked up my basket off my desk. Before I left my room, I examined myself in a mirror hanging off of the closet door, making sure that everything looked the way I wanted it to! When everything was in its place, I smiled at my reflection and began walking to the front door. Just as I reached the large foyer however, the lady of the house, Mistress Elizabeth, stopped me.

"Good morning madam!"

"Good morning (y/n)! Where are you off to?"

"I'm going down to the market to pick up some more groceries. We're out of mint and Alfred is throwing one of his huffy fits!" I said laughing. Alfred often got angry easily and acted like a child when he became stressed.

"Good girl, here's some money! I don't want you spending all of your hard earned money on something as mundane as groceries! Oh, and I heard that some of the military is coming through today to gather more volunteers! Maybe you'll catch yourself a handsome young soldier!"

I smiled and turned a light shade of pink at the thought. Mistress Elizabeth loved telling me that I should find myself a lover, but I always said that I didn't have the time. Part of that was true, but I had seen other girls' hearts break because the think they've found the love of their life and then find out that he isn't the one for them. Too much drama in my opinion! "I'm sorry madam, but I don't think so. I'd rather focus on my duties to your family first!"

"Such a sweet girl you are! However, I don't want these silly chores getting in the way of your love life. You should be out there dating some lucky boy!"

"It's a nice thought Mistress, but one I don't think I'll be able to fulfill."

She sighed in disappointment and waved me on, telling me that I ought to forget about my chores one day. I apologized and bid her farewell. The market was busy as usual, bustling with people selling their wares or buying other's produce. I eventually managed to maneuver my way through the crowd and to the stands I needed. The woman selling herbs was willing to let me buy her mint in bulk, which was a relief! The boy selling carrots flirted with me until I left, and the potatoes were on sale! So far today was going pretty well! Maybe I would be able to find some time to find a handsome soldier like Mistress Elizabeth wanted! Just as I finished buying the last of my necessities, the honk of a car horn caught my attention.

A military car drove by the market, followed by a parade of uniformed men marching or riding horses. One man in the car, a captain I believed, looked over at the market, and as he drove by we made eye contact. He was a handsome man-not much older than I-with tousled dirty blonde hair and a kind, fair face. He smiled at me and I felt myself blush just ever so slightly. The car stopped not a block away and the man's attention was no longer on me, but rather setting up for getting more soldiers.

"See someone you like?" a voice behind me said. Startled, I turned around and came face to face with its owner. The Williams' neighbor, Lily Robert, stood behind me and smiled kindly. She was a small girl with golden hair and a cherub face. Mistress Elizabeth never cared for her, she always said Lily was a foolish girl with no substance. I never had a problem with her, however, this was the first time we exchanged more than simple hellos.

"Not really, no," I said, my blush going away. I didn't exactly care about my love life, but I did find the man in the car quite attractive! However that was all, just a physical attraction, I knew nothing about him.

"I like the man over there, the one climbing out of the car," she pointed a slender finger at the captain that had smiled at me, and I felt a small pang of jealousy.

"O-oh! Yes, he is quite handsome I will admit," I said.

"He's simply gorgeous! Try not to steal him from me (y/n), I fear that he would like you much more than me!" Lily giggled.


"Don't play dumb (y/n)! You are so much more desirable then me."

"I beg to differ Miss Lily!"

She chuckled and shook her head. "Well, I must be on my way miss. I am needed back at the Williams estate. Have a good day Lily!"

"You too (y/n)!"

I smiled and began walking back to the large mansion, which unfortunately for me, was beyond the volunteer line. Getting through the crowd proved nearly impossible, but I was able to shove my way through. Just as I got out however, someone bumped into me and I dropped my basket. "Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry miss!" the man said, kneeling down with me to help me gather my spilled goods.

"It's alright! I apologize too, I should have been more aware of my surroundings," I said, looking up at them. My breath caught in my throat, however, when the most beautiful blue eyes bore into mine. Of course, as luck would have it, they belonged to the handsome captain. We stood up and he extended his hand, "Captain James Nicholls, at your service!" I tucked my basket under one arm and gave him my own, "(Y/n) (l/n). It's a pleasure to meet you Captain!" He raised my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles gently, "The pleasure is all mine! Please, call me James."

A blush creeped its way onto my (s/c) skin and I let my hand fall back to my side. "Does a lovely lady like you have someone to escort her home?"

"No, but I live not far from here!"

"Would you mind if I accompany you then?"

I was about to respond that I could make it fine myself, but another thought interrupted. Why not walk with him? Lily would likely woo him over soon anyway, so where was the harm? "No, I don't mind at all!" James smiled and my heart skipped a beat. With dread, I thought Dear god, I've developed a crush in a matter of minutes! I hoped dearly that Lily wouldn't see us. I had no intention of hurting the poor girl!

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