Chapter 9

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Several months later, the day after your wedding

We awoke the next morning to the sun shining softly in our bedroom, warming up the room nicely. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and noticed a dull ache between my legs. I looked down and smiled, realizing that I had fallen asleep on top of James. Overjoyed that the wedding hadn't been a dream, I grinned and toyed with his hair gently, until I felt the need to get up. When I tried to however, James wrapped his arms around me tighter and mumbled into the side of my neck, "Not yet my dear, I'm still sleeping." I giggled and kissed the tip of his nose.

"But James, I'm not sleeping! You can stay there but I need to get up!"

"Nooooo," he whined sleepily, and rolled over so that half of his body was draped over mine, preventing my escape. "James!" I laughed, "You dreadful man, let me go!"

He grinned, his eyes still closed and nuzzled closer to me, still pretending to be asleep. "You're not even asleep!" I accused. "I am so," he said, opening one eye.

"You're terrible," I groaned, a smile playing on my lips. He propped himself onto one elbow and covered his heart with his opposite hand, an playful look on his face.

"My dear, how you wound me! I thought my beautiful wife loved me more than that!"

"Well you thought wrong!" I teased back, and he chuckled. His lips met mine in a passionate embrace, and he bit my bottom lip gently, asking for entrance. I happily obliged and let him dive in and taste every inch he could. We broke the kiss after a few seconds and I pushed him over, finally allowing myself to sit up properly. I stretched and yawned, letting the blankets to slip from my shoulders and expose my (s/c) skin to the warm sun. "Absolutely breathtaking," James said behind me, and I blushed. "I'll need to draw you like this next," he said, kissing my shoulder and gently massaging the other. I hummed and turned my head to kiss his jaw, then stood up to get dressed.

"I need to get to the Williams soon, I have a feeling Jonathan will be starving when he wakes up."

"Why's that?" James asked.

"He refuses to eat Alfred's meals, as they are horrible," I laughed, slipping on my skirt and pinning my hair back. James chuckled and slid out of bed as well to begin dressing. "We need one," he said, buttoning his shirt.

"One what?"

"A child," he responded quietly, a tinge of red coloring his cheeks. I felt my face flush a bit at the thought as well. The thought thrilled me, but I had to think rationally. We had only just wed!

"James, my love, I agree but we have only just wed. Let's give it a few months and see where that idea goes." He agreed, and said it would be unwise if we jumped right into parent hood so soon in our marriage. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, wishing him good luck in his new studio. He returned the kiss and wished me a good day, and asked me to say hello to the Williams and Alfred for him

"I will. Love you!"

"I love you too!"

The Williams had bought an empty shop in town for James to use for an art studio to sell his paintings. They had also built a large cottage on their property for us! This way we had privacy but I could continue to work for them. They were too kind to us!

Just as I had predicted, Jonathan was starving by the time I had arrived, and cheered when I agreed to make him his favorite breakfast: eggs and toast with strawberry preserve. He skipped happily to the table as I placed his plate down at his seat, then left to help Alfred with the rest of breakfast. The rest of the day went by smoothly, and Lily eventually came over to gossip with me about her now fiance, and about my night with James. We giggled relentlessly, and even Mistress Elizabeth joined after tea time. Soon enough, it was the end of the day and I finally got home.

James wasn't back from his studio yet, so I took the liberty to change into more comfortable clothes and read. About an hour went by, and the wonderful sound of my husband's return filled our home. "(Y/n)! I'm back!" he called out in a sing-song voice. I grinned and went to the foyer to join him. My arms were outstretched for an embrace when I walked in, but I quickly let them fall when I realized he was covered in large blotches of paint! A look of sadness and hurt flashed across his face and he said, "What? Do I not get a hug from my lovely wife?"

"James, my dear, you're covered in wet paint!"

He looked down at his formerly white shirt which was now covered in large, colorful spots, then examined his arms which were just as colorful as well as his face. A mischievous grin danced on his face and his eyes flashed evilly. "What are you talking about (y/n)? I'm perfectly clean!" he said, walking towards me with his arms out wide.

"James Nicholls don't you dare!" I threatened, only half joking. He laughed evilly and chased me around the room, trying to catch me.

"James you terrible man!" I shrieked as he picked me up and held me bridal style. He peppered my face and neck with kisses, leaving colorful spots all over my skin and making me laugh until my sides hurt. James held me close to him, preventing my escape as well as covering my clothes with paint, staining them permanently. Eventually he placed me down on the floor gently, but before I could leave his side, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my back to his chest.

"You love me," he teased over my shoulder.

"James please!"

"Oh come on!"

I sighed playfully and turned around, cupping his face in my hands and squishing his cheeks together slightly. "I do, no matter how childish you may act!" I planted a kiss on his lips and spun away from him as his grip on me loosened. "Where are you going?" he asked as I walked away from him

"To take a bath! You've covered me in your paint!" I laughed.


Thank you SO much for reading my story!!  I hope you enjoyed it and if you want a second part let me know!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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