Chapter 2

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The walk back to the Williams Estate only lasted about ten minutes, but they were the best I'd had in a while! It was filled to the brim with my questions about his time in the military and his soft laughs and smiles. I had enjoyed our walk so much that I almost considered forgetting about Lily and her interest in the Captain! Almost. Unfortunately there was still that small part of me that wanted him to be with a well-to-do family like hers. We eventually arrived to the Williams' large mansion and I was more than a little disappointed that our walk had gone by so fast.
"Well, here we are!" I said, turning to him.
"This is your home?" he asked in awe as he stared up at the estate.
"No, this is the Williams Estate. I work for them and they give me a place to stay!"
"They're good to you I hope?"
I smiled and laughed a little bit, "Yes, I couldn't ask for a better family to serve!"
"That's good. Will I see you tomorrow?"
I hesitated. I couldn't let myself fall for him, but oh how I wanted to! He, of course, deserved better. James deserved a wealthy girl like Lily.
"Maybe," I answered so as not to disappoint him too much, "I'll have to see how busy I am."
"I hope not too much. I would love to spend more time with a nice girl such as yourself before I'm thrust into battle!" he smiled.
"Well," I began with an ounce of sadness, "if I am unavailable, there's a young lady I know named Lily that would love to meet you, I'm sure! She lives in the Robert's Estate just over there," I pointed to the large house on the next hill.
"I'm sure she's lovely, but I'd rather spend time with you!"
I smiled and a blush creeped its way onto my (s/c) cheeks. We bid each other farewell and I wished him a good day. For some reason, throughout the entirety of our conversation I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched, and I hoped dearly that my time with Captain Nicholls hadn't been noticed by Lily! I had no idea how bad her jealous side was. Just as I wrapped my hand around the door's handle, I saw a curtain move out of the corner of my eye. I stared intently at it for a few seconds before opening the door and walking inside.
"Who was that handsome young man with you?"
"Agh! Oh my goodness! Madam you scared the life out of me!"
I gripped the fabric abouve my heart tightly and laughed breathlessly as Mistress Elizabeth apologized.
"Well, who is he?"
"His name is Captain James Nicholls. We met as I was coming back from the market."
"Ah, see? I told you you'd attract a handsome young soldier! And he's a captain? My but all the ladies will be jealous!"
"Yes, you did." Mistress Elizabeth must have heard the sadness in my voice, as she stopped giggling.
"What's wrong my dear?"
"It's nothing, my lady. Nothing at all!"
"Lies! Since when are you a liar dear (y/n)?"
"Never Madam!"
"Then you will tell me what's wrong."
I sighed and reluctantly gave in. I told her about how James had smiled at me while I was in the market, how Lily had her eyes on him, and that I believed he'd be better off with her rather than a simple maid like me.
"How dare you put yourself down in such a way! Have you no shame? You are a lady, hold yourself as such. Lily is a fool, one second with her and that Captain of yours would agree."
"Madam, with all due respect, Lily is a sweet girl! She's kind, beautiful,wealthy, and while she may not be the brightest she means well!"
"Shush, you're better than her and you know it. Now, off you go! I believe Alfred is in dire need of your asisstance."
With a sigh of resignation, I did as I was told and made my way to Alfred, who looked to be in quite a state of distress!
"My, Mistress Elizabeth wasn't joking!" I said to myself. Alfred noticed me as I walked in and his eyes lit up. He ran over and plucked the bundle of mint out of the basket.
"(Y/n) would you mind cutting some potatoes and onions for me while I make some tea?"
"Not at all my friend!"
"Thank you!"
While he made the tea, I began cutting the onions and potatoes, then scraped the mix into a large pot Alfred had set out for them. Just as I finished washing my hands of the juice from the onions, the kitchen door opened and the Williams' son, Jonathan, came in. He was a small boy of seven, with curly auburn hair like his mother, and deep hazel eyes that mirrored his father's. He was a sweet child, and always came to me before bed to read to him.
"Good afternoon Jonathan! What can I do for you?" I asked, kneeling down to his level.
"Can you come upstairs and read to me? Mother and Father are busy and you do it much better then them."
"How about you bring the story you want down here, and I'll help you read it!"
"Aw but it's so much better when you read to me!"
"Oh alright," I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled as I gave in to the little boy's pleas. He grinned and ran off to grab the book he wanted. He was back quickly and enthusiastically thrust the small book into my hands. I laughed at his excitement and hoisted him onto the counter so I could read to him better. It was a classic tale of a knight and a princess falling in love. One day the handsome knight had to go off and fight an evil army and got terribly hurt. Of course the knight escaped back to his love and they lived happily ever after, as most books end.

"Do you think I'll get a happily ever after (y/n)?" Jonathan asked when I closed the book.

"Of course! I think everyone can get one if they find the right person."

"I know you will (y/n). You're so pretty and nice!" I smiled at the little boy's compliment. "Do you have a knight that you love?" he asked.

"Er, yes I think so!"

"You what?!" Alfred shouted suddenly, "I'll wring him up if he hurts you lass. I may be an old man, but I can still give a good beating when I need to!"

"Alfred really! Don't be so dramatic," I laughed.

"What's he like(y/n)? Are you gonna get married?"

"No Jonathan, I don't think so. Not right now at least, I've only just met him!"

"Oh," the small boy looked down sadly. I felt bad for hurting his feelings, so to make him happy again I told him we might. The next day was no better.

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