Chapter 3

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While I loved Mistress Elizabeth to death, I hated her need to gossip. Word had gotten around to the rest of the house that a handsome, young captain had his eyes on me. All of the other maids were asking me millions of questions about James throughout the day, and I answered them to the best of my ability, considering I had only met him the day prior! Even Master John Williams was suddenly interested in my new love life! Normally he didn't show much interest in my private affairs, and I was always thankful for that. However now he took the liberty of poking harmless fun at me about James just as a father would to his daughter.

Speaking of my new friend, I had attempted to keep myself busy all day to keep from seeing him before I fell too far into my crush. I hoped that if I seemed busy enough, he'd go to Lily, though the thought was rather painful. Most of my tasks were quite menial, and Mistress Elizabeth began eyeing me suspiciously as I came to her more and more for different tasks and chores. Around noon there was a knock on the door, and from lounge I heard Mistress Elizabeth call my name. I joined her in the foyer and she smiled slyly.

"My dear could you get the door for me?"

"Yes Madam?" I said, although it came out as more of a question. I opened the door and my face flushed a lovely shade of pink!

"O-oh! Captain James! What a lovely surprise!" I stuttered, and mentally slapped myself. Lord, I sounded like a teenage girl.

"Good afternoon (y/n)!" he smiled, and the already excited butterflies in my stomach fluttered harder.

"How can I help you?"

"I hope you aren't too busy at the moment because I was thinking, I mean only if you really want to, maybe you could show me around Devon before I leave?"

Before I could answer, I felt Mistress Elizabeth's hands gently grip my shoulders and move me aside. "She would love to!" she answered for me.

"But my chores-"

"Can wait. My dear, there is a handsome young man asking you to spend the day with him! You'd be a fool to turn him down for those silly tasks you seem so desperate to have."

She was right and I knew it. I smiled gratefully at her and finally let myself fall for James. It wasn't a bad choice either! He was such a gentleman, and I found myself wondering why I had refused to let myself fancy anyone before! I thoroughly enjoyed my time walking around Devon with James. He seemed to enjoy it too; everytime I looked at him he had a grin on his face! That grin only got bigger when I pointed out the arts shop. He bought a great many pencils and brushes and enthusiastically told me about his love for art!

"You'll have to show me you pictures some time!" I had replied. A few hours later we stopped and ate at my favorite bakery; a place he quickly came to love as well.

"Tell me, (y/n), why were you so intent on getting me to meet this Lily girl?"

I sighed and set down the muffin I was eating. "When we had first seen each other while you were driving into town, she had seen you too. She had said that she found you quite handsome and felt that she loved you, for lack of a better word. So since I had said nothing about my fancy for you as well, I tried my hardest to let myself move on and let her love you."

James stared at me for a minute, then smiled softly. "You are one very special lady, (y/n)!"

I blushed, "What does that mean? I hope nothing bad!"

"No, of course not! I would never be able to speak poorly of you. You're just so..... different! I feel like a completely different man when I'm around you. I feel so happy, and carefree."


"I know we've only known each other for a very short time but, I truly believe I'm in love with you - mm!"

I suddenly kissed him lightly on the lips and quickly pulled back, realizing what I had done. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," I sputtered, a hot red blush flushing my face, neck, and ears. My hands flew to my face as I tried desperately to hide my embarrassment and my effort to hold back frustrated tears. What on earth was I thinking?! You can't just kiss someone like that! Stupid, stupid (y/n)! This is why you never let yourself fall in love!

Cool fingers gently wrapped themselves around my hands and pulled them away from my red face. I refused to meet his eyes, as I was too embarrassed to face him. "(Y/n), please look at me," James pleaded, and reluctantly I obeyed.

"(Y/n), please don't be ashamed of what happened! I feel the same way, and if you hadn't pulled away so quickly I would have returned the favor," James said lightly. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and finally came to terms with myself that I loved that man.

"Would it be alright if I kissed you?" he asked. Instead of answering, I just cupped his cheeks and crashed my lips into his. He jumped a bit, but quickly melted into it. Somewhere in the back of my head, I realized that Lily would find about James and I; a thought that I dreaded. However the rest of my jumbled mind didn't care and just wanted to be with James.

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