Chapter 1

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The village on the cliff was one of the last places humans could survive in. Mount Desolate Glacier Peak was a mountain 12469 meters tall, on the continent of Alena. The rest was filled with hybrids. There are only a few true humans left. Most in my village, are 5-15% wolves, because of this, each of us had a wolf on our side. We inherited this from werewolves and the wolves which werewolves had in their very being, we had in the form of a wolf that only the person who is companions(decided by birth) with. 

Shadow POV

1240 humans, including me, were currently climbing Mount Desolate with our tents and supplies on our backs. Using gloves which had titanium claws on the fingers, and boots with a single spike on each front of the boot helped me climb the mountain. Vera, my wolf, climbed beside me. Her claws dug into the hard stone, which was made out of Tungsten, Chromium, Titanium, and diamonds. It would be insane to try to climb this mountain. We had already lost 35 people trying to climb it. It didn't help that the slope was diagonal, and the mountain was prone to landslides.

We were gonna settle around the 12000m point because the mountain was the most unstable under it. The dragons had attacked us, a group of about 1200. We had settled on Gladiator Peak, a low mountain surrounded by a ton of other mountains that were higher and more unstable. Dragons alone managed to penetrate it. That battle was 1 year ago, on the continent of Farasta. Before the attack, we had 400 humans, after we had 200. We lost 41 on the journey. Farasta and Alena are separated by a 50-meter wide raging river, which drains into the Califer sea on North East Plania. The border which potentially could've been between Plania and Farasta, and Plania and Alena was covered by.. you guessed it, the Califer sea.

5 hours later, at sunset, we finally got to the perfect place. We ended up finding a better place 11.7k up, it was a ledge with sharp cliffs under an above it but a decently flat surface leading into a cave perfect for settlement. A waterfall was covering it, which added to the protection. I found an area to set up my 2 person tent, which I was going to share with Vera. My parents died 5 years ago when I was 11, and I'm now 16. 

I started to pick up the rocks around the area I found, which was on the ledge since I was a main fighter and protector.

Leave it to me, Shady, ill put the rocks near the Archer tent, in your area so you can make them into some of your arrows later. Now sit down and get some rest! Vera hissed at me through the mind link

I sat down and watched as the wolf pushed the rocks into a small hole in the ground that contained a basket. Once a significant tent area was cleared, she put it near a spot where 2 of my archer friends were, across the ledge. I started setting up my tent, and by the time Vera got back, which was a total of 2 minutes later, the tent was done. I layed a carpet across the floor. I put my bed and Veras bed in the northwest corner of the tent, the water, and food supply at the South East corner, my bows, and arrows at the North East corner, and other resources at the South West corner. In the middle, I placed a heater, one that I developed, in the center.

Going out, I helped set up the biggest tent on the ledge, one that can house 100 people. I helped out the other archers in setting it up, and in the end, it was more of a portable house than anything. Mellisia and Hanner, were my only true friends. We've fought together so many times that the mutual trust that we had built for each other was nearly unbreakable. Hanner walked over to me as Mellisia chatted with her mother.

"Hanner, glad to see your not dead yet" I said with a bit of a teasing note.

"Same for you, if I remember, last time we climbed a mountain, you slipped and I was the one who caught you" Hanner said with a slight smirk.

"We don't talk about that, ok Hannah?" I said and his face exploded in anger, but then that anger was quickly masked.

"You excited?" Hanner asked at me, expecting to know what he was talking about.


"It's your 17th birthday tomorrow, aren't you excited to see if you have a dragon mate or not" Hanner said and my heart stopped.

Thats it for now, next week or whenever will be my new story, and ill hopefully be able to get out chapter 1 and the prolouge for that. I plan to do this 1 week World of the Lost, 1 week another story thing, and ill see if it works out. Also, the reason for not updating is because I had a massive science project that needed to get done, but I should be in the clear now. Signing out,


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