Chapter 4

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Go through with your plan to wipe them out, ill tell you everything you need to know about your past and everything else relating to this mess when they are gone. 

Shadow POV

I woke up to dragons yelling orders at humans, which automatically put a bad start to my day. Walking outside, Xeno approached me.

"Cant you humans do something for once? Our side of the cliff is still as we left it!" Xeno told me angerly, you could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

Brushing past him, which left him shocked, I turned back to face him with a small smirk on my face. "We aren't your slaves Xeno, get used to us being treated as your equals. I have a meeting to get to, which you are not invited too."

Xeno roughly grabbed my shoulder, but within seconds of him doing it, I had a dagger at his neck. "Watch where you step and who you threaten around here, I will not tolerate this. An attack on one is an attack on all" I whispered in his ear, before bringing the dagger down to stab him in the shoulder.

Xeno howled, but I just smiled. "If any of you harm any one of my people, you will not just get a dagger to the shoulder, you will get much worse. You will beg to die, but we will not have any mercy. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us" I yelled out, my voice going all the way around the mountain.

Walking to the meeting, I found all of the leaders of the different units there, sitting down patiently. 

"The MR's are here, if any of them are abusing, threatening, or in any way harming one of us, you are to tell me immediately, and I will deal with them" I said, and everyone nodded happily, none of them liked being treated like slaves.

"But what about if one of us is a mate to one of them?" the head of tech unit 2 asked. 

"Then the MR will have to give up its mythical reptile in order for them to have access to their mate unless said mate doesn't mind changing into an MR" I said and everyone nodded.

Just then all of the higher-ups of the MR's burst into the tent, including Xeno.

"Already planning to kill us I see?" said Xeno all of the unit heads from my side took out their weapons.

"Listen Xeno, we will not bow down to you, not now not ever, get used to it. I am just informing my commanders about how to deal with situations of which one of your people is abusing one of mine. Is that a crime?" I said and Xeno went silent. "Thought so, now you can stay and listen in or leave, I could not care less about which one you do." 

Xeno ended up staying, I guess his curiosity got the best of him. Now, being the person I am, I wasn't just going to tell him our plans, so, to combat this, I spoke to them in sign language. 

"Can you um.. speak in a language we can actually understand?" Xeno said, and in response, I signed to him 'no' before going back to signing to my unit leaders. 

The meeting finished 2 hours later, Xeno still was there, which annoyed me. 

"Arnt you going to go, do your usual like harassing my people? Because if you are going to do that then I'm going to have to stab you in the balls because I'm done with you right now." I said to him with a serious expression on my face. During the meeting, he was harassing my unit leaders and innocent people outside of the tent. 

"You aren't kidding are you" Xeno responded.

"Does it look like I am? Xeno, please, go jump off a cliff and forget to shift. Just, please. It would be better for all of us." My serious voice rang out through the tent as I walked out, my leaders snickering and following suit. 

When I got back to my tent, I pulled out a piece of paper and started drawing up invisible battle plans on it. Vera was still sleeping, but she was in the first stage of sleep, so I'm guessing she fell asleep recently. She was avoiding me at all costs for some reason, and she won't tell me what I've done to make her upset. 

Drawing out the dragons base (I have cameras set up everywhere around their side of the cliff, and they were already done so that helped)I started planning how to make the cliff collapse after the humans had killed them all. I ended up settling with causing an earthquake, but first, how to weaken the cliffs supports. Drawing out invisi magnets, which made anything it came into contact magnetic, and at least 10m below where the magnets were magnetic too. The magnets would all be attached to a rope, hooked onto each one. Then someone would pull on the rope and all the hundreds of invisi magnets would appear and fall off, bringing chunks of rock down with them. Now I was faced with the problem; how to protect our side of the cliff. A forcefield should do. 

Now for the second problem, how do we kill them fast enough so they won't attack us? One word, chloroform. I'll put on a gas mask and walk over there with a ton of it, and then just spray it into the air, with the forcefield around our camp of course.

Folding up the plans, I whispered 'hide' to them and everything that I had written had become invisible. I tucked it into my backpack and sighed in content as I tucked myself into my bed, falling into a dreamless sleep.

When I finished writing this chapter and went to get the recap from chapter 3, I realized that I was supposed to do character descriptions, but character descriptions will come next, I swear. Sorry for the late update also. Anyways, signing out,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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