Chapter 2

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"It's your 17th birthday tomorrow, aren't you excited to see if you have a dragon mate or not?" Hanner said and my heart stopped.

Shadow POV

"Well?" said Hanner

"Hanner, you know this, I don't believe in mates. Having someone 'made' for you isn't in my comfort range. I want to fall in love, and still continue this lifestyle. I love being out here. Sure, I could die, but that's the way I would want to die, serving my people, and to die protecting them is an honour." I said, and Hanner looked border-line devastated.

I don't know why, but Hanner has always seemed.. strange. He goes away for long periods of time and then comes back with what my wolf calls 'the MR sent' which means he's been near the mythical reptiles. I've told Mellisia, and unlike just dismissing the thought like *everyone else*, she told me that she agreed with me. We ended up coming up with a theory that he must be a mythical reptile. Based on his hard exterior, that he's extremely good at swords, he's selfless, and he sometimes goes in and head-butts the enemy, before covering it up. So, based on all the evidence, I'm guessing there's a 99% chance he's a Draken spy.

"I sorta like the idea, being with someone, makes you do not have to look for a partner in life," Hanner said

"That's because your the laziest person on this planet"

"Not as lazy as you"

Just then, screams were heard.

"We're under attack!" someone yelled, and my usually friendly self changed into my 'head of archer league 2' mode.

"Archers, get into formation, I need you to be ready to retaliate. Line the cliffside. Now." I said, my voice turning into a strong, solid, order.

Just as the clock hit midnight, I felt a burning in my wrist. I looked down and I saw a small Amphitere on my wrist. I was a mate to someone. Cursing inside of my head, I took out my bow and readied an arrow. An Amphitere shifted into a human and walked onto the ledge. Everyone else besides archer units 2 and 3 (Mellisia's unit) was guarding the cave where the children were.

"Relax, we come in peace." said the guy who appeared to be the leader.

"Mhm, I can totally believe that. You know, with all of you ready to attack." Mellisia said.

"We come to seek an alliance-" the guy started before someone in my unit interrupted him.

"An alliance? You murder and attack us daily! Your speaking lies!" said the person in my unit, Aria, a 15-year-old girl with an unbeatable personality.

"-as I was saying, we want an alliance. The vampires and bird hybrids are attacking us, and they have plans to attack you too" the guy who I'm just gonna call 'Bob' said.

"And how do we know you won't betray us?" someone from unit 3 yelled out.

"Because some of you are mates to dragons, and we would never hurt our mates," Bob said with confidence.

Just then, the birds attacked. The archers started to fire at the birds as they morphed into humans.

One was stupid enough to spoil their plan; "Even if you take us out, there are vampires climbing up here right now!" the hybrid said just before I killed it.

The archers fell back, but I didn't. I took out the 2 swords that I always had on my back, and leaped down off the edge. On my all of my sets of armour, I had a simple wing-like piece of flexible metal (which by the way had a ton of programming and 5 engines on each 'wing')that I could put my arms through, and they acted like wings. The only draw-back to them is that I couldn't gain altitude if the engines on them failed.

As I glided down, about 100 Amphiteres dived down beside me. Some made an effort to catch me until they saw the wing-like technology and went back to gliding.

A while later, we got to the bottom, only to find the vampires all lying panting on the ground in the ravine (which goes 2000m down) that surrounds the mountain. I landed and killed each vampire with a simple blow to the heart. An Amphitere started a fire which quickly spread through the vampire bodies. You didn't need fire to kill vampires, you only need to hit them in a small 1cm spot in the heart, called the venenum sanguinem glandulae. The venenum sanguinem glandulae where all the poison that vampires can't even use is stored. Once you break the gland, the poison instantly spreads throughout the vampire and they die within seconds. Another drawback to it is that only vampires are affected by the poison anyway.

When I flew back up, dead hybrid bodies littered the ground, tainting the stone red. The MR's were standing there, doing nothing to help the injured humans.

"So, alliance or get destroyed by the 3 giants that will crash down on you," Bob said.

Everyone was silent, and I was wondering where our leader is until someone came up to me. I hadn't noticed at first but the mood was very sombre.

"Our leader is dead, I saw the leader of the Amphiteres kill him, but everyone else thinks that a bird hybrid killed them. You're in charge now." the young girl said before running back to her parents.

A plan quickly formulated in my head, but it was risky. If I could gain the MR's trust, then they wouldn't expect an attack from us. We could wipe out their races instantly. A small smile formed on my face.

"I'm Shadow Nightwind, now leader of all of the humans here," I said with a sigh, making sure to sound defeated when in reality I was already preparing for the biggest attack humans have ever attempted.

Bob pulled out a paponic, a piece of electronic paper, that can go into a holdon, which can then be plugged into a regular model 2500 tabloid. Actually, 1000 pieces of paponic can be downloaded into a singular holdon at once.

Bob replied to what I said; "I'm Xeno Crypt, leader of the mythical reptiles, nice to meet you Shadow". The last part of his sentence was coated with sarcasm.

Xeno handed me the paper, and with my finger(which are now everyone's main writing utensil because pens, pencils etc were too easy to lose), and I signed the piece of paper after briefly scanning over the alliance.

"Wow, it hasn't been a week and I've already updated the book?" Yes, this is an update, I'm not trolling you people. "But what about your other book?" 1. I don't have enough inspiration for that one yet and, 2. I have a ton of inspiration and ideas for this book. Expect more chapters soon! Signing out;


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