Chapter 3

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 Xeno handed me the paper, and with my finger(which are now everyone's main writing utensil because pens, pencils etc were too easy to lose), and I signed the piece of paper after briefly scanning over the alliance.   

Shadow POV

I knew the humans weren't going to be happy with me, nor my plan. Violating an alliance as a leader was a major offence, which could get you banished or killed. 

Many humans sent me angry glares, but I didn't pay attention to it. Let them hate me. Let them think I was a terrible leader. They didn't know me. 

Mellisia walked up beside me and placed her hand on the small of my back. "Its okay Shadow, your only doing what's best for them" she said in her calm, soft, caring voice.

"The MR's will set up a base on the cliff opposite this cliff, if you all could be so kind as to make it look decently nice, that would be greatly appreciated" Xeno said before shifting into an Amphitere and flying away with his brethren.

"Shadow," one of the heads of a unit said to me as she walked up to me, "Do we clean up the cliff or..?" she questioned me. Her name was Rose, and she was head of the spear wielder unit 2.

"No, let them do it themselves. We are not their slaves. They will treat us as their equals" I told her, my voice strong and firm. No one questioned me.

"Unit heads," I called out across the cliff. "There is a meeting tomorrow at 13:00 sharp. Don't be late" I said as I walked back to my tent.

As I laid down on my sleeping bag, Vera got into hers, which was smaller than me, and more of a small warm cave then a sleeping bag. She pretended to sleep, but I could tell that she was still awake due to her heartbeat. She hadn't even looked at me since I had become Leader.

"Vera? Is something wrong?" I asked her, in a low whisper voice so that no one but her could hear me.

This wasn't supposed to happen, none of this was supposed to happen, you wouldn't understand. Vera muttered under her breath.

"What wasn't supposed to happen?" I said and she didn't respond for a few minutes.

Go through with your plan to wipe them out, ill tell you everything you need to know about your past and everything else relating to this mess when they are gone. 

I just realized that I should've put this on the end of Chapter 2 when I was finished and chapter 2 was already published, so here it is. I guess its a bit of a filler chapter. Also, what the heck is Vera talking about? What wasn't supposed to happen? Next chapter I'm going to do Character Descriptions, so look forward to that. Also, updates to this book are random, whenever I have an idea or feel like writing I will update (or sometimI'llill write a bit like I did this chapter and then finish it off later). Signing off,


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