Chapter 1~

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Chapter one, like I said still getting use to writing. So when this book is finished I'll probably go back and re-edit. So for now enjoy.

Alex p.o.v

Now, finding out my long lasting rival was going to be my room mate for the next 2-4 years was not how I wanted to start collage. But there was no way in hell I was going to let this ruin my mood. I've worked way to hard and long to get here and I wasn't going to just throw it away.

" Hamilton! Where the fuck is our keys!?"

No matter how tempting it is.

"Which ones!?"

"The spares!" I groaned, I was so tired and so not in the mood for him right now.

"I don't know!" As I sat up he made himself known in my door way. I rubbed my eyes before returning his glare.

He was still in what I presumed was his pajamas. He wasn't wearing a shirt and just had on a pair of sweats. I felt my face flush a little. I may hate the guy but it was plain as day he works out.

"You were the last to have them." He looked tired and angry. We had to leave for our classes soon.

"They were on a top of the cabinet and I told you that. Assuming you looked there and they're gone. I don't know."

I threw off my covers and went rifling through my draws, throwing on a shirt I went looking for some black jeans. Jefferson was quiet for a moment. I glanced his way and he was just staring at me. He looked confused. Mostly likely about the keys.

"Well....since you lost them don't go loosing the ones you have now or your screwed." I scoffed before he walked off.

I managed to find some jeans and quickly brushed my hair before throwing it up in a bun. Not my favorite way to mess with my hair but I honestly couldn't care less today. I just wanted coffee and to leave before I have to see Jefferson again.
I grabbed my bag and texted my friends while heading to the kitchen to make a cup before leaving. On my way to the kitchen I heard the shower running. Sending a silent thank you to god I made my coffee and bolted out of my dorm and to my first class. English. Personally I love English. Writing has been my passion since I was a child.

I read books since I was little, starting when my dad left. I read to my mother and I when we were sick. I wrote about the the tragedy of the hurricane that hit my home. My knowledge of books and calligraphy got me all the way across the ocean to America. So I can easily say it's never done me wrong, and the one thing I can depend on. So I knew I was going to take it up as a career. For now I'm studying writing and law. If it can't make it as a lawyer I'll give it a shot as a book writer or publisher. I quickly made it to class with 10 minutes to spare. I made sure to park myself in the middle of the row, upfront. I know it seems over dramatic, but even young adults try to get out of doing work. If I wanted to at least hear the teacher I needed to be front and center. Literally in this case.

Washington told me he had a small meeting with the other teachers. Especially writing class cause he thought it might help with law. Of course that's what he told the them, but he told me his layout for the beginning of the year so I could get a head start. Best foster father ever. I skimmed over of few of my early done essays to make sure their still good enough to turn in. I did that till other students started pouring in, so I packed up my essays and notes and just got out a notebook and pen. As I was putting some stuff away, the most horrific thing happened.
Mother-fucking-Jefferson walked through the door like he owns the place. You've got to be shitting me!
My only place of sanctuary has now been infested with a disease. I saw him take a glance at me out of the corner of my eye. His face instantly twisted in disgust, and trust me, the feeling is mutual.

"Class! Take your seats please!"  We have Mr. Adams for English. I'm praying he's not an ass.

"Ok! So I'm Mr. Adams and I am actually happy to see all of you. So I have had the years assignments planned out, but I thought it looked a little dry. So as I last minute readjustment I'm assigning permanent project partners for the year."

I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation. I don't have a problem with partners but it was a night mare in high school. I ended up doing all the work for shitty future gas station attendants. Not to mention we're in collage, we should be responsible for our own work. I sighed and looked around to see who I might be paired with.
James Reynolds-rather die.
Maria, James girlfriend-she's a sweetheart.
Samuel Sebbury- smart and quite, but he hangs around king.
King- total prick.
Last but not least- Burr.
We're not as close as my group of friends, but he's a friend of mine none the less.
Maybe today wouldn't be so bad.


Remember when I said today wouldn't be so bad, I was sorely mistaken. I was on my way to government in what you could say a very sour mood. I had the 'disease' following far behind me.
On top of living with him, sharing my classes, he is now my permanent English partner for the WHOLE year. I quickly charged into class and greeted Washington with a hug.
I don't care who saw, I needed my foster father, today I have been crippled with anxiety and irritation.

"Alex, what's wrong?" I groaned as I pointed to a now seated Jefferson all the way in the back.
Washington looked back at me with amusement.

"Are you 2 ever going to stop fighting?" He chuckled.

"Traitor" I mumbled.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, go take your seat son." He chuckled.

I sat upfront, again. Hoping to focus on the lesson and not the walking nightmare that now follows me everywhere I go. Thankfully Washington just explained what most of lesson were going to be about and what percentage of our grade it's making up. I would love to do some work, but I already did it. So I can continue with my personal writings if I please. Especially since I have lots to write about now. After we were let out I walked down to the food court. I didn't even bother looking to see if Jefferson was behind me. I just grabbed my food and focused on finding my friends. When I spotted them all huddle at a large table I speed walked toured them and ended up sitting beside John.

"Oh do I have Tea to tell you guys." I said clearly irritated.

"Oh god, not again Alex" Laf smiles, Herc chuckled.

"Hey come on! This is serious, all my classes are infested with Jefferson." Peggy hummed.

"Sorry dude. Can only imagine how that is."

"Stop, I'm getting flash backs of high school." John laughed.

"Hey look at it this way. At least he's not your room mate." Eliza nodded.

I felt my face flush again, I gave a glance their way.

"Your shitting me!" Herc gasped.

I shook my head no, as some of them continued to laugh a bit. Is everyone a traitor today!?
I gave them a look and that seemed to prompt them to laugh more. After that we talked about our classes and teachers before a bell sounded.
I only had a half day so I was happy to speed back to my dorm.
I went to my room and quickly shut my door before throwing my bag on the floor along with my shoes. I planted my self on my bed before grabbing my laptop, beyond eager. Man do I have a lot to write about.


Not an extremely long chapter, but it's good. Chapter 2 will be up soon. We're heading for Thomas p.o.v next. So, leave a comment and I'll happily answers any questions you guys have.

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