Chapter 2~

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Ok, chapter two. We're going to dive into Thomas p.o.v so we know how he see's things compared to Alex. Let get to it.

Thomas p.o.v

To say that rooming with Hamilton, let alone sharing classes, was a nightmare is a very big understatement. It's honestly a living hell.
When we talk we're constantly shooting insults back and forth, can't even keep the slightest irritation out of our voices. And when we don't talk it's so fucking awkward. We just throw glares at each other and then go on ignoring one another's existence.
To be honest, I hate it. I don't like him, and vise versa. But we can't spend the next four years being uncomfortable in our own living space.
Not to mention our future English projects. Seriously, it looks like the universe is pushing us together for the ultimate torture.
And so far it's working, but I won't let it continue.

"Hey Hamilton?"

"What?" He groaned. He looked up from his seat on the couch to glare my way. His hair wasn't greasy but messy. He had on simple pair of skinny jeans and hoodie that was obviously too big. It was swallowing up his frame.

"You went shopping yet?" I kept look on my face bored and calm as if to show I wasn't interested.

"No....not yet." He looked at me confused. I was already starting to regret what I'm about to suggest.

"Well then we need to go shopping. And yes, both of us. Cause I'm not walking around and being your errand boy." I snapped lightly. His glared returned.

"Wasn't gonna ask you too."

"Good, now come on. Ass in the car."

I grabbed my car and dorm keys before we walked down the floors to the buildings parking lot. Hamilton followed me with a vexing look on his face, he definitely didn't want to be in this situation. But I didn't either.

"You grab your money?"

"Yeah." He answered back monotoned.

"How much you got?" We both hopped into my car and continued to talk as I started it.

"$100, You?" He asked.

"$150, that should be plenty." I sighed.

We went the whole car ride completely silent, it was awkward but mostly just tense. We both don't really like this situation, but as much as I hate this we needed this to happen. I needed to find a way to co-exist with him. I need to not ignore him or throw insults when I talk to him. When we got to store we stayed silent as I parked and walked in, I grabbed a cart and stopped for a moment to pull out a list. I wanted to talk but I didn't want to be the first one. I think Hamilton knew what I was thinking. He hesitated but leaned over to look at the list, I didn't move away, I just watched as he scanned though it.

"I guess I'll just grab milk and bread. What isle you gonna be in?" I starred at him for a moment.

"Umm........drinks? Soda, water..." he hummed and took off. I watched him for a moment before I headed in the opposite direction.


"Is Mac an Cheese a fetish or a religion for you?" I looked over to see the puzzled look on Hamilton's face.

"Shush. Mac an Cheese is amazing."

"Okay...." He sighed. "Get everything you need?"

"Yep. Drinks, coffee, some boxed food, creamer, Toothpaste, Shampoo. You got the rest?" I handed him the rest after checking off what I grabbed.

"Body wash, bread, milk, chips, deodorant,.....did we grab sugar?" He asked quietly.

"Hmmm, yes."

"K, then yeah. We're good." He handed the notepad back to me and we headed to check out.

We calmly picked up a routine of scanning and bagging. Surprisingly this shopping experience wasn't bad. I think we both were starting to realize we need to find a way to co-exist peacefully. I think we were making sure not to step on each other's toes while shopping. I was thankful for that, we didn't talk about it but I was happy he knew what I was trying to do and seemed to agree with it. After we loaded the car we had another silent ride to our dorm. It wasn't as akward as the first though. I think our silent agreement maybe caused us to calm a bit. Not worry as much maybe.
Just we never wanted to see each other and every time we did we felt this unnecessary need to fight and go to war with each other. Arguing over the smallest things.

Were both guilty of it. But it's been like 2 weeks of it, small childish fights because we just don't like each other. We don't have to be friends but we need to at least get along. It would make things easier. When we got back we carried up our stuff and put them away. I stood in the kitchen for a moment.

"Thanks......for the help, and yeah." I felt my face heat up. God dammit Thomas! Get your shit together.

Hamilton pauses for a moment. I think he was surprised as I was, I was starting freak out and just leave when he answered back.
"No prob." He shrugged it off.

Ok, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I think we'll be ok, we can do this. We can get along.


Short chapter, but hopefully it has appeased you all. Let me know if you like the point of views bouncing back and forth. If you don't let me know who point of view you want me to write in, Alex or Thomas?
Alright. Love you all! Till next time. 💜🦄

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