Field Trip to Where! Pt.1

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Peter was in Decathlon practice after school like always. He was getting ready to leave when Mr.Harrington had an announcement.

" Before you all leave I have an announcement, as you all know we won nationals this year. As a reward, the school has given us the opportunity to go on a field trip. The football team will be joining us as a way of congratulating them for winning playoffs. As you leave make sure to grab the slip and return it by Wednesday, as the trip is this Thursday, dismissed."

Everyone started leaving while making sure to grab a slip because no one was missing this trip. Once Peter grabbed a slip he left with Ned and MJ, they started making their way to the front of the school to be picked up meanwhile discussing the field trip.

"You guys excited?" Ned questioned.

" I guess, I wish the football team wasn't coming," Peter said in a voice that showed he was a little upset. Flash and some guys on the football team like to taunt Peter and it annoyed him.

"Don't worry about them" replied Ned.

"Hey losers, where do you think we're going?" MJ interrupted, secretly trying to change the subject to cheer Peter up not that she cared to admit that.

"Don't know? Do you think it's someplace cool?" Peter replied in a now curious tone wondering where they were going.

"Maybe it's sort of science museum, but it's got to be cool." Ned inputted with an excited tone.

Just as Peter was about to comment a black car rolled up in front of them.

"Well here's my ride, see you guys tomorrow," Peter said as he walked towards the car.

"Bye Peter"

"See ya loser"

As Peter got in the car he looked at Happy in the driver's seat.

"Hey Happy" hearing this Happy nodded his in acknowledgment.

As the car drove off, Peter put on his headphones and started doing his homework.

Peter and May moved into the Tower with Tony and the Avengers a few months ago, a little while after Peter started interning. Although Peter and May didn't want to be a bother they eventually agreed because it would mean Peter could train with the Avengers and improve his skills. MJ and Ned knew about Peter's new living space and were happy for him. Peter liked his new house a lot. He and May had their own floor but Peter also had a room on the Avengers floor for weekends when May worked or wanted alone time. Tony and Peter had also grown a lot closer and now refer to each other as father and son, they spent hours in the lab together tinkering around. All in all Peter's life had been great, the last few months crimes rates were low, spiderman's popularity was up and Peter was becoming a better inventor every day.

The car rolled to a stop, just as Peter finished all his homework. He put his work away, said thanks to Happy and was on his to the elevator after saying hi to the receptionist. Peter got in the elevator and as the door closed a voice began to speak.

"Hello Peter, how was school?" a robotic voice said from the elevator's speakers.

"Hey F.R.I, it was good can you take me to the top floor, please?" Peter replied in polite tone like he always did when talking with F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Sure thing Peter, though I advise precaution, everyone is upstairs getting ready for dinner in 5 minutes, Pepper made Lasagna and roasted vegetables"

"Okay thanks for the warning F.R.I"

"Your welcome, Peter"

The door opened a few minutes later. Peter walked into the living room dropping his bag on the couch and made his way to the kitchen and dining table hungry as ever.

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