rise four

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"We've only had you for about a day and you think it's okay that you let someone in our team." Michael growls.

"Oh c'mon, give her a chance." I say rolling my eyes. He's making such a big deal out of this, it's annoying.

"No." He says. We're talking outside the shed. Everyone else is in the shed, getting ready to sleep since it's dark.

"Why not?" I ask confused. I don't get why he doesn't like her.

"Did you see what she did with those berries? She shoved them in her mouth! She obviously doesn't know how to survive. She will bring us down." Michael's face gets red with what seems to be, annoyance and anger.

"Oh my god, Michael." I throw my hands up in the air. "You gave me a chance, what's wrong with giving her one?"

I'm about done with this conversation. I start walking away but Michael grabs my arm. I turn and look at him.

"That's different!" He says, his eyes looking straight into mine.

"No Michael. It's not." I pull my arm away from his grip and go to the shed.

I see Ashton, Calum, and Luke sleeping on the floor. Abigail's still awake. She looks at me.

"Is there something wrong?" She asks flipping her hair over. She starts turning her hair and putting it into a bun.

"No. Everything's fine." I quickly say. She smiles then lays down.

I then take off my shirt since it's so hot. Id rather sleep in my undershirt. I walk over to the space next to Abi. I lay down. After about four minutes, I hear the shed door open. I sit up.

I see Michael running his hand through his hair.

"Michael, I'm sorry." I blurt. I really just want to put our stupid, little argument away.

"Jo, just go to sleep." He says and I see him put stuff down on a box.

"I can't sleep knowing your mad at me." I frown even though he can barely see my face in this darkness.

"We barely know each other." He scoffs. He comes closer, going to the spot next to me. He lays down.

"That doesn't matter. I can't stand knowing anyone's mad at me, even someone that doesn't know me at all." I say softly. I see him turn to his side, where he's facing me.

"Jo. You need some rest."

"I know." I sigh laying back down.

I turn to my side where I'm facing Abigail. I start drifting off to sleep when I feel someone's touch around my waist. I turn slowly and see Michael sleeping.

"Night Jo." He says out of nowhere.



"Rise and shine!" I hear a girl's voice, immediately knowing it's Abi. She claps her hands when she sees that we've all opened our eyes.

"What the hell?" I hear Calum say and Abi glares at him.

"C'mon. I'm gonna show you guys how to hunt!" She smiles, clapping.. Again.

"We know how to hunt. How do you think we survive?" Michael says, clearly annoyed, at Abigail. Abi frowns but then smiles again.

"Well, maybe my tricks can help you guys!" She grabs something from the table and heads outside. I look between the four boys. Ash, Cal, and Luke all shrug. Michael groans and lays back down.

"Let's just go." Calum says getting up.

Ashton, Luke, and I follow. I grab my shirt from the floor and put it on.

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