two | silver

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Telling Hodges the bad news would be the most tragic part of Hazel's day. The runner up would be rejecting the gift that each doll was given upon securing a new gig.

Hazel knew the gift would be the silver Jimmy Choo's she'd seen a couple weeks ago. She was certain because before she'd left for California, she gushed to Hodges about her obsession with the specific strapless pair that would look amazing for her first appearance when she got the job.

But she hadn't, which proved that after eight months of her working for Doll House, she had nothing to show for it.

The California sex toy industry was highly coveted and even getting an invitation to audition and try the merchandise was a privilege. So when she'd received the call she was excited for the opportunity.

The Doll House followers on their social media had been ecstatic too. After all, they loved the new girl that brought a shy demeanor to an otherwise promiscuous group.

So if their followers loved her, why didn't the people she auditioned for? Who knew that masterbating in front of a camera with the newest vibrator would cause her to freeze up. She fucking froze! No one wanted a "scared shitless" cover girl that was mandated to film three scenes with their product.

Hazel stood outside of the large steel sliding door that provided entrance into the loft studio that was the Doll House space.

Her face heated up as the seconds went by and she contemplated turning around and making a dash down the SoHo streets back to the penthouse. No one would care. She was a failure regardless so if anything she was doing Hodges a favor by leaving.

No! Hazel thought. Just go inside and tell him you were nervous. That would work. Hodges was a businessman first but he always had a soft spot for his dolls.

Hazel exhaled deeply then pushed aside the door to enter the studio. It looked empty or at least, emptier than usual.

The space was mostly white with some exposed brick and glass partitions that blocked the filming area, photography corner, and kitchenette.

Hazel slid the door close and tapped the red button to lock it as she walked further inside.

Maybe Hodges had called a meeting for the team. Word on the street was that last fiscal year was the lowest in the history of the brand so Hodges could've had an epiphany on how to improve sales for this-

"Congratulations!" Hazel gasped at the loud exclamation and held her chest from the shock.

She was directly outside of the conference room where a banner hung and all twenty members of the Doll House team were positioned in front of a red velvet cupcake tower that read "Hazel" in pink frosting.

"What? Why?!-Why did you all say that?" She automatically feared that she'd have to explain the bad news to everyone. Even her fellow dolls, who were also staring at her with hopeful eyes.

"Because there's good news."

"About what?" About failing? Because if that was the case then Hazel fully accepted her congratulatory disappointment.

"Well-" Chanel, this summer's poster girl, reached her arm out and tugged at a white veil that covered part of an easel. It revealed a blank Doll House poster with a question mark and Hazel's name written in elegant script.

"Wait, is that-"

"You're going to be the 'Doll of Fall' sweetie." Hodge's emerged from the group and smiled at her.

"Don't lie to me." She scoffed. "Seriously, Cece is this your trick?" Hazel accused, looking as Cecelia who was leaned against the table with her arms crossed over her chest.

Doll House: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now