nine | suite

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Cecelia hated the Dolled Up party. She hated it because in some ways it resembled the same level of tastelessness that engulfed her during her stripping days. Especially the parties that she would be invited to by big shots that just wanted to be surrounded by attractive women in their McMansions.

So Cecelia usually resorted to spending the night with Hodges. Cuddling beside him in the master suite while all the antics happened below them. It was generally the highlight of her night since it was the only enjoyable part.

Tonight was worse though. Hodges had only spoken to her when he escorted her out of the limo but after that, nothing. Not a word, not a side glance, not even a wink.

She wondered if he was mad at her for something that she'd done recently but she couldn't recall any instances of bad behavior. She tried to be the perfect doll that he wanted her to be and it was clear by the way she'd buried the hatchet with Dax even if he continued to pluck her chords.

Cecelia walked past the kitchen to the back hall where Hodges' private elevator was. He would be heading up soon and would hopefully bring her along so that she could stay out of trouble for the night. At three drinks in, anything was possible given her title as the apartment's light weight champion.

"Were you looking for me?" His voice echoed down the hall but rather than enticing her, it actually scared her because it sounded so cold.

"I was." She smiled over her shoulder at him. "Can I stay with you tonight?" Hodges walked over with a deep sigh.

"Dana told me you've been doing well. Very-convincing." He locked her eyes.

"Of course, it's my job to be convincing." She ran her fingers through her hair.

"Any issues with Dax?"

"Seriously? Why're we talking about business right now when you could be fucking me in the shower." She smirked, reaching to touch the collar of his button down.

Hodges nodded, touching her hand.

"I have my reasons." He removed her hand from his body then pressed the elevator button.

Cecelia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Why was he acting like this? Hodges knew her better than anyone because of their history together. He knew what this type of subtle rejection was doing to her and he didn't care. She'd been perfect this far but yet he still wanted to grill her and make her doubt herself. It was a hard slap in the face, as if rescuing her from an illuminated stage in California meant nothing in their relationship.

"What's happening?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Stay in your suite tonight. I'll see you tomorrow."

Her suite? The part of the house that was on the opposite side of Hodges' room? That was where the girls spent the weekend if they'd done a gig at the mansion. He was exiling her without having to say it but she read him loud and clear.

"Fine, have a good night." She flicked her middle finger up. "Asshole." Then she walked off, nearly preparing herself to bawl in the middle of the seasons most glamorous party.

It had been hard to warm up to Hodges when she'd first met him which was why she took the rejection so hard. Every night, two years ago when she'd met him, he would be at the front table, gazing at her with a level of curiosity and intrigue as she slowly removed the top hat, tool belt, or roller skates to reveal laced lingerie then her bronzed skin in the name of entertainment. He'd promised to always guide her and never neglect her the way others had. Yet, here she was, gulping down another vodka cranberry as she made her way sloppily through the various rooms.

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