ten | satin

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A gentle movement caused Hazel's dream to alter. She was no longer on a warm, soft cloud floating through the light blue sky.

Why was the pillow sinking? And why did she hear a voice near her when she was supposed to be alone? And why was she now presented with the delicious aroma of dark roast coffee?

"Good morning baby girl." A voice beside her announced.

Hazel groaned and lifted her head up from the pillow, opening her eyes to see Gabriel siting on the side of the bed.

So this was why her dream pillow of smooth satin had sunken. He was weighing down the side of the bed by sitting on it.

"What're you doing here?" She asked rather calmly eventhough she hated being woken up by anyone.

"Saving your life." He showed her a brown paper bag and the traditional New York Anthora coffee cup. "Is a poppyseed bagel okay?" She nodded, it was actually her favorite.

"What's happening?" Her head was pounding and the natural light of the room didn't make matters any better.

Gabriel laughed, "Last I saw, you were throwing back tequila shots." He set the breakfast on the side table. "Cece said I would find you asleep up here."

"Well then let me go back to sleep." She turned away from him.

If she'd been drinking tequila then that explained the hung over feeling. Like the other dolls, she was a light weight and therefore was accustom to being brought to the grand room to recover.

"As cute as you look while asleep, we have to go live in two hours." Gabriel said, pulling the curtains open wider to peer out the window.

"Shit!" Hazel jolted up. "I forgot!"

"Clearly." He turned to look at her on the bed. "Go get ready."

"I don't need you here for that." She walked through the frosted glass door that led to the bathroom.

"You do actually," Gabriel followed inside. "I'm driving."

Hazel stared at him in confusion but took a moment to admire his perfectly fresh demeanor as if last night had not been a blur of drunken behavior and promiscuous activity.

"Driving where?" She pulled her shirt off from over her head.

"Were you distracted during the initial meeting?" She actually had been distracted, by his face.

"Oh, the Rebel house right?" Gabriel nodded as he scanned her body that was now down to only pink panties.

She cleared her throat loudly so that their eyes would connect.

"You were talking in your sleep." He said.

"Was I?" She paused. "What did I say?"

"Not sure, but my name came up." He ran his fingers through his chocolate brown hair. "As it should."

"You're a liar." Hazel scoffed with a chuckle as she reached to turn on the shower.

"I'm not lying." Gabriel laughed. "Don't be embarrassed though. It was bound to manifest in some way."

"What was bound to manifest?" She asked when she stood upright and watched Gabriel step closer to her.

"The sexual tension." He shrugged. "It's natural." Hazel gulped at his words.

If he was actually telling the truth then she wasn't only embarrassed but also ashamed of her inability to separate her work from her want. So what if his eyes pierced her with a lusty glint. So what if those full soft lips had brushed her skin only a short while ago to awaken her senses. Gabriel was her temporary partner and though she was new to it all, she had to keep things very separate and very appropriate.

"If I did say your name, don't be flattered, I've met a lot of Gabriel's in my life."

"But none that make you this wet." He pulled her toward him by tugging at her waistband and connecting the tip of his finger to the wet trail that appeared on the opposite side of her panties. "Let's just bang one out now so we can alleviate the tension."

Hazel followed the movement of his fingers as she genuinely considered his offer. It would be so much easier to work if she could get past the urge.

However, she was instantly reminded of last night. Seeing Gabriel with Candy in the hot tub had been all she needed to keep her mind on track. If he wanted to fuck, he could find it anywhere. Especially after fucking Candy who had a strict no strings attached policy. Gabriel was playing the part of a porn star well but Hazel had an off switch. So she stopped his hand and looked up at him.

"We have a job to do and-we're uh gonna be late." She said in a voice that was almost as gentle as a whisper.

Gabriel cocked an eyebrow as his smile straightened out. He seemed to consider the seriousness of her words for a moment before realizing that she wasn't going to take up his offer.

"You're right." He cleared his already clear throat. "I'll wait for you outside, Hazelnut." Gabriel gave her ass a light pat before turning around.

"Just Hazel!" She corrected eventhough he ignored her.

But the interaction still warranted a sigh from Hazel because being as wet as she currently was, she craved the act of being pushed up against a wall and fucked senselessly. By Gabriel. Right now.

Doll House: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now