thirteen | luxe

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"They're gonna ask if we fucked."

"No they're not." Dax shook his head and reached for a grape. "Dana previewed all the questions so we don't look like assholes when we go live."

"Well then they're gonna ask if we can fuck. Right in the Rebel Room." Cecelia leaned on the large butcher block styled island in the middle of the kitchen.

"You're the only one that has an issue with that."

"It's not me with the issue." She grunted then followed Dax as he crossed the kitchen to grab two water bottles from the refrigerator.

He handed one to her but she kept the grip tight, not allowing him to release it.

"No comment from you?" She expected him to say something about Hodges in response to her claim.

"Not yet." He smirked and she snatched the bottle from him, rolling her eyes. "I swear your attitude is oddly endearing."

"You would be the first to think that." She laughed. "I was a dancer before Doll House and my attitude got me in a shitload of trouble."


"In California at mostly dingy places." She sipped her water then continued. "With the exception of the last place. It was the most high end club in North Hollywood."

Dax let out a soft chuckle, "I was in California for a while too. Small world right?"

"What were you doing in Cali?"

"I was at UCLA, majoring in English Literature." He said, "I was really interested in sex in literature but then things changed."

"What changed? You're still doing the sex part."

"Well yeah, I decided to do porn because I needed money to pay for school. A friend of mine that was a communications major told me about the producers in San Fernando that would pay $800 for a scene."

"You're pretty stubborn, I doubt you agreed to porn instantly."

"I thought about it for a month until I finally agreed." Dax nodded. "It's hard starting out but when they like you, they like you." He looked at her. "You probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Starting at Doll House is like getting a job at Google."

"No it's not." Cecelia gave Dax's shoulder a shove. "The process to become a doll is hard."

"Everyone knows the process is hard. But once you're in, Doll House becomes a lifestyle. It's luxe and soft."

"Of course." Cecelia stepped closer. "What we do is glamour porn. It's selling the art of teasing." She confirmed. "Way harder than just hardcore sex."

"You should try hardcore."

"Not in front of a camera."

"Oh really?" He asked.

Cecelia bit her bottom lip and nodded as she saw Dax's eyes travel the length of her figure.

"There are no cameras now." His voice had a soft crack in it as he pulled her toward him and ran his fingers up her smooth legs.

She couldn't quite figure out why, but she wanted to get fucked by him right this moment. She needed it and this time she was sure that the feeling wasn't the result of rebellion. Just pure lust.

Dax lifted her dress and played with her pussy as his other hand grabbed a condom. He was always handy with the protection which reassured Cecelia who was totally not responsible in the moment.

She grabbed Dax's shoulders as he guided his dick inside of her. She let out a deep gasp and buried her face in his neck as he pushed further in. He lifted her leg slowly to get the rest of his length inside of her and then began to pump in and out of her hungrily.

"You're so tight Cece." He breathed, slapping her ass hard.

"Someone might-." Cecelia gripped the counter. "Might-walk in."

"Good." He leaned into her. "That should excite you." She felt his finger touch her clit and rub in a soft circular motion.

"Oh-shit!" Cecelia could feel herself nearing the edge.

"Fuck!" Dax breathed, squeezing her tighter as he came hard and she followed shortly behind.

Her body convulsed with each wave as he continued to rub her sensitive bundle of nerves.

The timing was short of perfect because as his dick softened, someone entered the kitchen with an empty plate and glass.

Cecelia gasped but Dax shook his head and said, "Ellis, not now-"

"You good bro?" Ellis asked with an amused smirk.

Dax let out a sigh as his high subsided. He continued to shake his head, grabbing Cecelia's hips tighter.

"Get out."

"Please." Cecelia added with a polite smile, oddly happy that they were on opposite sides of the island which shielded the view of anything below her belly button.

Ellis set his dishes in the sink then walked out with a chuckle.

Dax finally released Cecelia, allowing her a moment to pull her dress down.

"You're insane."

"Now you know why Hodges keeps me around." She said sarcastically.

It was her first time willingly mentioning him in front of Dax and it felt weird. Dax was trouble, she'd never fucked a partner off camera before especially not more than once. In a public space. Both times. Cecelia had no idea who she had become.

Suddenly, Gabriel and Hazel passed through the kitchen in what seemed like a hurry.

"Whoa, Hazel what's the rush?" Cecelia called after her.

Hazel waved her hand and continued forward until she was out of sight.

"We had just went live. She wants to lay down."

"Damn, you're that good " Cecelia asked, looking between Dax and Gabriel who laughed.

"Not at all. I think it was the heat." Gabriel shrugged and looked around the kitchen.

Dax must have sensed what he needed because he tossed Gabriel the bottle of water that hadn't been opened.

Gabriel caught it. "Thanks." He then jogged to catch up with Hazel who had passed through the opposite side.

Dax peered around the corner to make sure that his fellow housemate was gone before turning back to Cecelia.

"There are cameras and lights in the Rebel Room at all times and too many of us complained about how hot it got when we filmed in the past. So it's always fifty degrees in there."

"So what does that prove?"

"It proves that the 'heat' was a non factor. She's been corrupted by a Rebel boy and loved every minute of it." Dax kissed Cecelia's cheek, "Sound familiar?" He chuckled then walked away from her.

She rolled her eyes. It was the only way that she could avoid the reality that she might be just like Hazel, loving every minute of Rebel boy corruption.

Doll House: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now