21 / rose gold

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THE FIRST THING that brought Melannie's jaws down was the lighting. The room was brightly lit with a rose-gold glow from a massive old-fashioned chandelier. There were round tables like white discs lined up with yellow centrepieces. People were milling around in the spaces between the tables, laughing and chatting while sipping their fancy glasses of champagne. The mild music filled the gaps when people broke from the conversation to take a sip of their drinks. There was extravagance in the air but it wasn't suffocating. It was just an admirable amount. Melannie was in awe. She tried hiding it but Jake saw right through her. "Seems like you are having a good time already."

"I'll confirm that when I get to the food. It better be good," she whispered back and Jake laughed, crinkles biting the skin around his eyes. Melannie took a moment to appreciate how fine her boyfriend was in his tux and neat hair. She wanted to lure him away to a dark corner and pull him into her arms, his lips onto hers. His hands on her.

"What are you thinking, skittle? You have that look in your eyes," Jake said, dipping lower to whisper into her ears.

She cleared her throat, scratching her collarbone absent-mindedly, hoping her face wasn't red. "Nothing. Nothing at all. I am enjoying the party."

Melannie said it too soon.

Even though Melannie had Jake right beside her, she couldn't help but feel awkward at the party. Jake and Char knew many of the guests and paused to chat with them, leaving Jackson and Melannie standing like uncomfortable statues. It seemed like Jackson had practice doing it so he was unaffected. He also knew a few people from the parties he attended before. But Melannie was losing her patience. There were too many people. And there wasn't one familiar person.

When they finally, finally, reached the centre of the party, Melannie breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of Julia. The only other person she was familiar with.

Jake snaked his arm around her waist. "Will you be alright here?" he asked.

"Aren't you done?"

"I have to talk to a few more people. Can't avoid it," Jake apologised, rubbing the bare skin on her back.

"It's okay. I'll be fine," she said, squeezing his palm lightly.

"You sure?"

"I am sure. I'll be with Julia."

"I promised you I'll never leave you, skittle."

Melannie smiled. "Look at you. Being such a cute boyfriend."

Jake rolled his eyes. She shook her head and pushed him the other way back into the crowd. "Find me as soon as you're done being the perfect businessman's son."

As soon as he left, Melannie grinned at Julia and went to hug her. "Jake should have brought you to me before letting you tag along for the boring chit-chats. Sit down, dear. I'll ask them to bring something for you to munch on. This party is only starting," Julia said. She turned around in her royal blue dress but Melannie belatedly registered the restlessness in her voice.

"Hey, Julia?"

"Yes, dear?"

"I would love someone to talk to," Melannie said. Julia smiled her signature kind smile. The wrinkles along her cheek, beside the curve of her lips, deepened. She was so beautiful.

"Of course." She sat down next to her and began the conversation herself. "I suspected Jake had a thing for you when you visited our house, you know."

"How come?"

"For one, Jake hates it when someone touches his books. Did you see that he scribbles his thoughts on the pages? He never lets anyone read them."

Melannie's eyes widened. "Really?"

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