1- The Accident

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“You know my mom will kiss me when I'll meet her.” Sarah said as she walks 10 yards  ahead of us facing us. I told her already that we're on the main road but she won't listen. I think she's the most excited about finally meeting her parents.
“She will slap you too.” Aisha almost shouted.
“We all are going to be beaten by our parents. But you know guys, the very first time I am really excited to meet my parents anger.” I said. With a slight smile on my face.
“You are right, Amyara. I missed her so much.” Sarah said.
“Why are you facing us? It’s dangerous. Just keep facing the road and don’t walk so fast. You are really far from us.” Aisha told sarah once again.
“What…?” Sarah mumbled.
“Watch out, Sarah.” I shouted.
A car hit Sarah within a second as she rolls on the road unconscious.
“No…No…No. Shit Amyara.” Aisha cried.
I couldn't believe my eyes for once. This can't be it.We ran to see Sarah. It was a reflex. Everything happened too quick to let the reality sink in. Holy crap! This is insane. This can’t be the end of this journey. What have we done to Sarah? We’re responsible for all this. Oh my god just save her.
I ran and put her head on my leg.  There's no head injury but she was faint out there.
“Just stop that driver, Aisha.” I ordered. “C’mon Sarah wake up. For god sake, wake up."
“Come out of your car, you asshole.” Aisha shouted to the driver.
The driver came out.
“Somebody help. Please, Help me.” I kept on asking for help. People gathered around us in a matter of seconds. But no one took a stand to help us. I was crying. I was groaning. My friend, Sarah. She's gonna be okay. She gonna be fine. I kept telling myself.
“You bloody jerk. Can’t you look on the road?” Aisha shouted on the driver. She grasped the driver by his collar and shoved him to the ground just beside sarah. I've never seen Aisha so out of control.
“I will kill you. You under aged asshole. Do you have any idea about what you've done?” Aisha shouted on him.
The boy was not even a teenager. How dare his parents allowed him to drive the car. 
The boy moved a little and hold Aisha’s leg.
“I am really sorry. Please. I will do anything to make everything right.” He begged.
Aisha tugged her leg.
“I’ll inform your parents. “ Aisha shouted.
“Aisha, there is no time for fighting. We need to take her to the hospital before the homeland’s security shows up. We can’t confront our parents like this.” I said through the sobs and sniffled.
“Okay. You idiot just help Amyara to get Sarah inside your car. You are taking us to the hospital. Understood.” Aisha shouted.
The boy quickly got up and took Sarah from my hands. I opened the car’s door. Aisha helped me to sit with Sarah on the back seat. I sobbed continuously. The boy started the car. As we leave the crowd behind I was beyond terrified. I just hoped that media won't get to know about this. Otherwise we’ll get in a very huge trouble. Like we already were.
I remembered the day I last saw my parents. I wish I’d not do this. This was the biggest mistake of my life. But I have not intended that our journey will end like this. My sadness took me to the flashback, where all of this started.
   A few weeks ago, my life was mundane. My life had the same boring routine with the same conversations every day. I belong from a middle class family. So my family usually talked about money problems and about people around. My mother was never a friend to me. I lived in my little code of living with my friends. They were the only thing that made me happy those days. Sarah and Aisha always tried to flourish my life with happiness. But how long a person is successful in making others laugh while they're not happy themself. Sarah and Aisha both have families like my family. But they also had problems. After all, how can one expect a teenage girl to be sensible?  
      On that unfortunate day, we met as usual in the school. I reached a little later that day. I saw my friends were not in the class. I went to find them I first went to the washroom, then canteen and ground. I couldn’t find them. I saw my classmate Seher. I went running to her.
“Hey Seher. Have you seen Sarah and-”
“And Aisha?”
“They are sitting behind the building.”
“Thank you.” I said and went to behind the building. From two feet’s away I saw Sarah.
“You guys haven’t found another place to sit?” I Shouted.
Sarah stood up. I went closer and saw Aisha crying.
“What happened to her?” I asked Sarah.
“Usual family drama.” Sarah said.
“You both suffered yesterday with that usual family drama?”
“Yes. You are very lucky; you don’t have anyone who kept an eye on you.”
“Come on Sarah. Tell me what happened?”


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