2-The problems

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We sat on the grass.
“You tell Aisha.” Sarah said.
“What did they expect from me? I am a human, right? Then why they think that I am a machine? I can do everything without getting tired. How could they be so unkind? I hate my parents and my both brothers. I am telling you both I am gonna run from my house in the midnight.”
“Shut up Aisha. Don’t be so emotional. Just tell me what happened?” I said.
“You are interested in knowing what happened yesterday. But you can’t imagine what we have gone through.” Sarah said.
“What do you mean? I can’t understand you both. I just want to know the reason behind your sadness.” I said.
“And what would you do after that?” Aisha that.
“Fine, I can’t do anything. Just don’t share your troubles and die inside your mind. I really don’t care. I am going to the class, when you both think that you can share your problem, and then only come to me okay. And yes one more thing, don’t ever think that you are the only one in this world who had this family drama, okay. It happened every day in my home, but I don’t cry like you guys. Because I’ve learnt to live with this.” I said and stood up. I Walked to the class.
In the lunch break Sarah and Aisha came to me.
“I’ve bought your favourite dish.” Aisha said to me.
“Yes and I want to eat your lunch.” Sarah said.
“You both have fought with your parents last night. Still they prepared your lunch. You know why. I will tell you; because they love you.” I said.
“Come on Amyara lets eat.” Aisha said.
“I don’t want to eat. The way you behaved to me this morning I think I am not a friend and I don’t share my lunch with anyone.” I said rudely.
“Sorry.” They both said in unison. There sorry face melted me.
“It’s okay.” I said.
They both hugged me. We had our lunch.
“Now tell me, what happened yesterday?” I asked.
“You first.” Aisha said to Sarah.
“Okay. I’ve been studying the whole day. You know my mom is a working woman. When she returned in the evening I’ve been chatting. Without even asking me, she thought I was chatting the whole day. She came snatched my phone and break it.”
“Oh!” I said.
“Can you imagine she smashed my phone. That phone was my everything. When you both are not with me, when the family is always busy, It really gets lonely sometimes. Only the phone makes me feel good. She doesn’t have time for me so what do I do. In this age, when I am going through so many problems, all she was concerned about is my studies. I am not interested. She won’t even let me join the photography group. I am screwed.”
“It’s okay Sarah. We are with you. Don’t feel alone. She is your mother; there must be some reason behind her action." I said.
“She is not God. She could make mistakes. And that is what she is doing. She is destroying my talent.” Sarah said.
“What about you Aisha?” I Asked.
“My mom asked me to do the dishes when I was studying. I said no and she complained to dad. He scolded me for not helping mom. My both brothers are elder than me still they don’t do anything. Even after when I was scolded by dad, Instead of giving me moral support, they teased me by saying ‘We are boys.We need not to do anything. You are a girl. Go and piss off in the kitchen.’ These words made me so angry that I hit my elder brother. He hit me back and we had a fight. When dad came he slapped me for hitting my brother. He laughed. My dad gave me lecture saying ‘These are not my values. You have made my life hell.’ He can’t see the values of his sons. They discriminate with boys and girls. I am ashamed to be called a member of that family. Who doesn’t know to respect me?”
Aisha burst into tears. I hugged Aisha. It’s really disgusting that everyone makes you feel bad about being a girl. Already she had faced many problems. Her tears welled up my eyes too. But I controlled it because there should be someone to take care of our group.
“Come on. It’s okay Aisha. Let’s go and do something to make you both happy.” I said.
“What?” Sarah asked.
“I am not going home from the school.” Aisha said.
“What? Then where would you go?” I asked.
“I will go anywhere. But not to that hell.” Aisha said.
“I agree with Aisha.” Sarah said.
“Are you both have gone mad. You are talking about running from the house.” I asked.


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