5- The planning

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"Are you serious?" Aisha said and hugged me tightly.

"What? I can't understand. You are in. What does that mean?" Sarah said.

Aisha released me.

"You fool; she said she is in our plan. Isn't it great?" Aisha said.

"So say the complete sentence." Sarah smiled and hugged me.

"We are going to rock this world, ladies." Aisha said.

"We need a plan." I said.

"Yes, but what made you change your mind." Sarah said.

"I saw the family drama last night. I can't live with them anymore. Not atleast for a little while." I said with a grin.

We all burst into laughter.

"So where are we going to make the plan?" Aisha said.

"My home, obviously. It is the loneliest place in the entire world where no one could hear us."

"Great. Then meet you there at 5 PM."I said.

After coming back from school I got ready for the meeting at Sarah's home. I took my bicycle and my bag. I came out of the door.

"Where are you going?" Mom said.

"Sarah's home." I replied.

"Don't run." She said.

Holy Crap! How did she know that we are planning for run?

"What?" I asked.

"I mean don't run to her house with your bicycle. Drive safely and come back soon." She said.

"Don't show your fake care for me." I said.

"It is not fake."

"Whatever." I said and took my bicycle. I paddled half of the way very calmly. I was just a turn away from Sarah's home. I just turned left and collide to another bicycle. Before I could realise anything I fell on the ground. I opened my eyes to look the idiot who collided. With me. This is a boy with a brand new bicycle. He looks smart with his hoody and casual wear. He has a cute face but he made me fall on the ground. He stood up with a great effort. He removes the bicycle from me and offered me his hand to get up. I hold his hand and got up.

"I am really very sorry. I was just in a hurry and I didn't realise you and we collided. I am really sorry." He said.

Thank god he didn't blame me for everything.

"It's okay." I said and took my bicycle. He kept on staring at me. I avoided as I was getting late.

"Look if you need first aid then come to my home. It's there." He said and pointed to a red house on the next lane.

"No thanks. My friend's home is nearby." I said.

"Okay." He said.

I climbed on my bicycle and headed my way without looking back at him. I reached Sarah's home. I rang the doorbell. Sarah opened the door.

"Hey, you are late. Aisha and I thought you chickened out." Sarah said.

"Sorry I had an accident." I said and entered the home. I reached to the living area where Aisha is waiting for us. I sat beside her. Sarah came with bandaid.

"Show me where it wounded?" Sarah said.

"You all right, Amyara?" Aisha said.

"Yes I am. It's here, on the knee." I showed Sarah my wound. She cleaned it and put a bandaid.

"Okay so are we ready for making the plan?" Sarah said.

"Okay get me three copies. Whatever we gonna plan should be evident to everyone." I said.

Sarah bought it.

"First of all we need to clean the obstacles." I said.

"What kind of obstacles?" Aisha asked.

"Number one it's our school." I said.

"School is not a problem. Our summer vacations are about to start in a week." Sarah said.

"Really? That's great then. School is not a problem. As we are running we have to ignore every contact with everyone." I said.

"Yes." Aisha said.

"So we have to buy new Sims for our phone call. We have to deactivate all our IDs on every social site or website. No one will give a single hint about this to anyone." I said.

"Aye, captain." Sarah said with a smile.

"Okay, now pack every important thing that you want to carry with you. But remember the luggage should be limited." I said.

"We know that Amyara. Just tell us about any good bye letter." Aisha said.

"Yeah I think good bye letter has to be there, so that after we leave they would think twice before chasing us." I said.

"Anything left?" Sarah asked.

"Yes we have to distribute our work." I said.

"What work?" Aisha asked.

"First of all who will book the tickets to East city? And What about the money expenses we need? And any kind of shopping left?" I said.

"We are going to East city?" Sarah asked.

"Aisha you didn't tell her?" I asked.

"I forgot. Actually Sarah we are thinking that from here we just go to east because it's a big city and we will enjoy there." Aisha explained.

"When are we leaving?" Sarah asked.

"We are gonna leave after 3 days." I said.

We discussed all of this and many other things and consequence and found the solution to all those. Finally we came out of the discussion after 2 hours.

"Come on guys are you ready now?" I asked.

"Yeah." Sarah and Aisha both said in the same tone. We laughed and cheer our drinks.

"Hey guys! One more thing." I said.

"What?" Aisha said.

"A wish list. Those wishes that we want to fulfil in this journey."

"Let's make it." Sarah said.

"Ok note Sarah. I want to sing in front of lots of public. And I want to run indistinctly without any destination. I want to shout on the terrace at night. I want to shoot someone with a gun. I want to do ice skating. I want to dance in the rain. I want to have a golgappa competition." I said. "I have more."

"Wait. Listen Sarah I want to beat a boy who teases girls on roads. I want to go on a bike ride at night that too without any destination. I want to play with snow and make snow man." Aisha said.

"Wait girls my turn. I want to be chased by a police officer. I want to be famous as a photographer. I want to con a boy. And I want to go to disco. I want to go to someone's wedding without invitation. During a movie in the hall I want to whistle on the hero's entry." Sarah said.

"Enough Sarah, these are your wishes?" I laughed.

"Yeah too funny." Aisha said. And we all laughed.

At that time we didn't know that we will be able to fulfil these wishes or not. All we knew is that we were happy.


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