4-The fight

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“How can you be serious? It’s not funny at all. We need a master plan. And if we get caught then you know what would happen to us?” I said.
“You are our master planner.” Sarah said and smiled.
“It’s just a matter of a week. We will return soon.” Aisha said.
I stood up. I looked at them in disbelief. They stood up after me.
“I am not going to be a part of this stupidity. You guys do what you want to do. You are not getting what I am saying. You will get caught up the same day you run.” I shouted.
“We won’t Amyara.” Sarah said.
“Look guys, when you get to understand that how stupidly you are reacting to such a small fight in your home, then come to me. It’s just a fight, damn it.” I said.
“No it’s not just a fight Amyara. You are not getting us. We are completely broken from inside. You are not responding like a friend.” Aisha said.
“You are broken, so you think the people outside there would help you to heal your wounds. No, they will make your life a bigger hell than this. And yes I am not reacting like a friend. You both are not my friends.” I said.
“How can you say it is a bigger hell? We can’t make stereotypes about the world.” Sarah said.
“Leave her Sarah. She said she is not our friend. Let her be. She would get to know our point of view soon when she also faces that family drama.” Aisha said.
“Fine. Do what you want to do. You guys will also learn my point of view soon. Don’t talk to me and don’t expect me to be a part of your nonsense plan.” I shouted and turned back and moved 2 steps.
“Cool.” Sarah said.
I turned around to face them.
“I will pray for your good will. Good bye.” I said softly.
  I reached my home. When I lay on my bed and closed my eyes I saw Sarah and Aisha. Their faces when they said, Leave her. They’re going to forget me forever. They looked so determined about this. Do they really want to run? If they didn’t get caught up then they will enjoy a lot out there. I will miss them. And what if they faced a very huge problem like kidnap by some burglars, how will they fight with them? If they really go without me then I will miss them a lot.
  I woke up in the evening after a short nap. I washed my face and took my books to do some homework. I just opened my maths book. I can’t focus. Every word of Aisha and Sarah is spinning again and again in my mind. I took my phone and called Sarah.
“Hello.” I said.
“Did you decide to be in our plan?” Sarah said.
“No. Please I don’t want to talk about that. I have no one other than you guys. So please don’t break this friendship. I promise we will find a way out of every situation. We will fight. We are strong.” I said.
“Aww, Amyara. We just said about friendship because we were angry. We actually are not going to be separated. Come on!”
“Thanks. You have made me lighter. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
I hung up. I was happy then . I turned around. My mom was standing in front of me with her eyes wide open staring at me as if I’ve done something wrong.
“What mom?”
“Whom were you talking to?” Mom asked.
“Sarah mom, who else?”
“Don’t lie to me. I’ve been noticing you for months and finally I caught you red handed.”
“What have I done?”
“I’ve warned your father to keep an eye on you. I just can’t understand why you girls need a boyfriend to fall in love with? Why the love of your family is never enough for you? Don’t you remember what happened to your sister.? Just before she had someone in her life she acted the same way you are acting these days.”
“Mom you are over reacting. I was talking to Sarah. Why are you misunderstanding me? Why? Don’t you trust me? I am not Alina.” I shouted.
“Don’t shout at me. We haven’t said anything when you wander for hours with your friends. But I’ve told you to focus on studies. This is not your age for doing all this. Alina is not here because of this stupid teenager fantasy world that she used to live in. Come in reality, Amyara.”
“Mom you are too much. Have this phone and redial the number I just called. It’s Sarah. I swear.”
She took the phone and threw it on the floor.
“You are our only child now. Your dad will see now whom is saying Love you to her daughter.”
“Mom.” I burst in tears. “Please believe me.”
“Why are you crying? I tell you because you are afraid that dad won’t forgive you.”
“It’s too much mom. You broke my phone. I don’t know why? All I know is you have lost your mind.” She slaps me the same moment I said that. I wipe my tears and ran to my room and shut the door. I cried a lot. I was helpless.
I don’t know why parents get so much protective. She didn’t even listen to me. What does she think of me? I also loved my sister. Whatever happened to her is because my parents don’t have time to look after that she chose a wrong path. And now they are looking after me a lot. But I can’t take this every day. When I am not doing any wrong then why I am questioned. She is spying on me since I hit puberty. I can’t talk to my friends alone. I can’t stand alone on the terrace. I can’t do anything.
My sister Alina was 16 and I was 10 at that time. She had a boyfriend. The boy left her in a stage from where the recovery was impossible. My parents are ashamed of her for doing all that at this young age. I was a child when my sister committed suicide. She can’t let everything known to the world. My parents told everyone that she died of dengue and even to me. I couldn’t understand anything at that time. But now I know everything. I am 17 years old and I’ve not done any wrong.  I do everything to make my parents happy because I don’t want them to be disappointed even with me. But I’d never know that my mother’s concern for me and precaution in my case will increase this much in these seven years. Since 4 years almost every week I had this drama. She doesn’t even like my friends. She had been in hospital after Alina for a year and I only had Aisha and Sarah for me at that time. That’s why they are everything to me. She recovered and I think finally I will get my normal family. But I was wrong. My normal family never returned. I understand her but I have told her that I am not Alina. I will not repeat her mistake. I can survive in this world even if she won’t be that dramatic. I will prove that to her.
I went and washed my face. I completely understand the whole thing that Sarah and Aisha were trying to tell me. I needed a break.  I reached the school next day.  I went straight to Aisha and Sarah sitting together. I need to talk to them. I reached their desk. They stood up and looked at me.
“I am in.” I said.


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