3- The Decision

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As soon as we pulled up in front of the hospital., Aisha ran to call for the stretcher. Once they took sarah in the emergency ward, we setter on the chairs. Its government hospital with a lot of rush. Thank god we owed the free treatment. We don’t have money.
“Look’ this is my phone number. I am Sid.   I am very sorry for what I did. I can’t pay the price of your friend but I could financially contribute to the hospital expenses. Just don’t tell my parents.”
Aisha stood up and grasps her collar.
“Don’t tell you parents, so that you destroy the lives of several other people on the road.” Aisha shouted.
“This is hospital don’t shout.” He said.
“Then what should I do. Should I kill you right here.” Aisha said.
“Don’t create drama Aisha. Leave him.” I said.
“Why? How could you say that Amyara?” Aisha said.
I helped the boy to get rid of Aisha.
“Sid, we need your financial help. Please, do come again for the medicine and other expenses. I promise, I will not tell anything to your parents. Be careful on the road and don’t tell about us to anyone. Okay. Now you go.” I said. He went on. When I turned back to see Aisha; she was red hot with the anger.
“Look I have to do this. We don’t have any option.” I said.
“You forgive that asshole. You know this entire running plan, it was mine. I am blaming myself for all this. I won’t be able to forgive myself if anything happens to Sarah.” Aisha said.
“Everything is going to be all right. No need to blame anyone. Okay. Just come and sit here and wait for the doctors.” I said.
Aisha hugged me. She is crying. How could I tell her that it is not only her mistake? Even I am not sure about this.
When I scolded Aisha and Sarah for saying about the run plan, they emotionally blackmailed me.
“Yes we want to run. We need a break Amyara.” Aisha said.
“Running is not a solution to the problem. we could do a night out guys. That'll help you freshen up your minds. we could watch the Harry Potter movies. All eight of'em. it's would be like marathon. We could go to the parlour or shopping. There are million things to make you feel better. we could even ho to Weber's birthday party. you know the party I was avoiding because of all the boys.. We could have fun. Right sarah?” I said.
“You know that distraction ourselves is not a  solution either. Come on think about it. We have fun for one day and then we go back to the same non sense at our home. We need to teach them our value . We need to something bigger. Besides with this little adventoures break, we can be ready for the other problems that we are going to face in this life. it would be like a break.” Sarah said.
“No, it’s not right. Look we can plan a trip together with our parents permission. Okay in the vacation? But we can't go alone. You don’t know this world. We can’t survive out there. We are simple girls who even thinks thousand times to talk to a stranger and running it’s a very big thing. Without our parents we are nothing. Just be sensible.” I said.
“So what do you expect from us Amyara. Do you really think that our parents will allow us to have a trip if we ask for rhe permission. I don't know about you guys, but school is my only escape from home. It's like I am trapped. Once i get in they won't let me go anywhere.so i can't Just move on from this fight also.” Aisha said.
“Yes. Until we are dependent on our parents they have the right to take our decisions, okay.” I said.
“Not okay. Why you always be a rebel Amyara. Just think like us.” Sarah said.
“How can I think like you? You guys have gone mad. I can’t let you do this stupid stunt. I can't believe that you're even talking about this.” I said.
“So come with us.” Aisha said.
“I am fine with my family.” I resisted.
“Oh really? I don’t think you are fine.” Aisha said.
“What do you mean?” I said.
“Look at yourself. You study the whole day and when you want to relax you have to do chores. You don’t get time for anything. Your father and mother want you to be perfect and thus they are forcing you to study. You get suffocated with their constant need to make you the best. And guess what? You are doing it. They are not letting you learn singing. Look at you once, you are screwed up Amyara.” Sarah said.
“It’s not true. I am really happy.” I said.
“No, you are not happy. You daily face your annoying mom when she doubts you for having a boyfriend. You daily cry because no one cares about your efforts. You daily kill yourself; when you did those things that you don’t want to do.” Aisha said.
“I know that my mom is a little more careful in my case. She doesn’t want me to suffer like my sister. I have not told you about my personal life for this day. She is my mother no matter what.” I said.
“Listen Amyara, Stop killing yourself." Sarah said.
They are right at their place but I can’t help it.
“So you are coming with us?” Aisha said.
“Yes. But we are not running today. This running needs a lot of plan. We need to care about everything.” I said.
“Okay, fine.” Aisha said and they both smiled.
I am not ready for this but still to make everything right I lied. I was sure that after reaching home they would definitely forget about this. Their parents will patch up with them.
After reaching home, I think over the words of both of my friends. They are somewhat right about my life. But this trouble of life has not grown to that extent that I run from my house. I can still come up with the problems around me. But Sarah said not for being a coward but just for a break, we should run. She is also right. I am really confused. Let it be, we’ll see tomorrow. I am sure they must have forgotten everything.
Next day in the recess we went to the ground, as usual. We settle down there.
“So, let’s discuss about the plan.” Aisha said.
“What? I mean, you guys didn’t patch up with your family?” I said. I was really surprised.
“What? You expect us to forget everything.” Sarah said.
“Yes. I thought you guys had patched up with your families.” I said.
“No Amyara. I didn’t have a bloody conversation with my mom. She ignored me the whole time.
And you expect me to move on.” Aisha said.
“Same here.” Sarah said.
“You guys are serious? Like every time you patch up, I thought this time too, you guys must have forgotten everything about the run plan.” I said.
“No. We are serious this time, Amyara.” Aisha said.


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