Chapter 1

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Hey Everyone!  

I posted this story up before but I took it off to edit, and now it's coming back on!  I hope you enjoy reading the better version (but of course, it's still not final)  

Have Fun =) And Thanks!!!


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Following rules can be the best way to stay out of trouble, but what's the fun in that? I like fun. I think everyone does! I, for one, hardly ever follow the rules or listen to what people advise. I'm not a bad girl though, I just sneak to parties once in a while, socialize when I should be doing homework, ignore the advice my friends and family give and maybe even drive around without my parents' permission or a proper license. But that, my friends, is the reason why I always get into trouble.

I stared at my van, mouth gaping in disbelief. "Oh no." I squeaked. The dent on the door was huge. I turned and looked around, hoping to find the car that screwed up mine but there was not a single car close by. I stomped my way into my van and angrily threw in all the shopping bags. Someone hit my van and just left? What a... a loser!  

Mom and dad were going to be really mad. I shivered at the thought of my dad's face after seeing the dent.  

My best friends Tiana and Lila smiled sympathetically. "Hey, don't worry about it! It's not that big!" Tiana said as she got into the passenger seat.  

"Yeah, maybe your dad won't even notice." Lila said as she jumped into the backseat along with my three other best friends, Ivana, Chanu and Nivea.  

"Are you kidding me? My dad's going to freak!" I yelled.  

"They're in Australia right now... maybe you can fix it before they get back." Tiana suggested.  

Ivana nodded. "Yeah, you can handle this."  

"Really? And where am I going to get a thousand bucks from?" I asked, starting my van and backing it out of the parking space.  

"My sister got into a small accident and repairing the car from that didn't cost a thousand bucks." Chanu said.  

"Yeah, I don't think it costs that much to fix a dent." Nivea said.  

"Well, I'm sure it's close to that." I grumbled.  

My friends and I had decided to go shopping today and I didn't think that that would be a problem at all. I was actually absolutely excited about the fact that I could drive the van around because my parents weren't here. My parents never let me drive without an adult sitting next to me.  

I sighed.  

I always knew that I should listen to them.  

"Maybe we should have walked." Lila said as she tied her long, black and curly hair into a ponytail. Lila was a girl who has always been a great friend. She was tall and thin with tan coloured skin. She had brown eyes and the most beautiful smile.  

"I suggested it." Tiana said, "No one listens to me though." She crossed her arms. Tiana had long brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. She however was short but thin with light skin.  

"I'm going to die when they get home." I exclaimed.  

"Why did they leave?" Ivana asked. Ivana was a brave and outgoing girl. She was the only one who could pull off the shoulder length black hair with brown streaks look. She was short, with tan coloured skin and had gorgeous brown eyes.  

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