Chapter 3

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After about an hour, I sighed as I read the last few words, "... and wondered how anyone could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."

Wuthering Heights was definitely going onto my favourite books list. It wasn't as bad as people said it would be. I was surprised by how easily Kero understood the story and his capability to explain the dark, sad but wonderful story to me.

Kero sighed, just like he does after every love story.

"You can't always criticize love stories." I said.

'I didn't say anything...'

"We both know what you were going to say."

Kero smiled.

"What do you have against love anyway?"

He seemed a bit shocked. 'I don't have anything against it, why would you say that?'

"Well, I remember researching about tigers a while ago and I read that the males always leave the females to deal with the babies. You really shouldn't be criticizing us. Not all human males leave their wives with the babies. Did you leave your wife or something?" I tried to hide my smile but ended up giggling.

Kero, as expected, didn't find it funny. 'I am not your average tiger.' He said. 'I'm sure you know that.'

"Kero, you aren't married are you?" I thought for a second. "I mean, like tiger married..."

Kero grimaced. 'No. I'm not. And might I say that you, my friend, are a fool.'

I began to pout. "Thanks. I know. So are you." I moved onto my side and used my elbow to hold my head up, I stared at Kero. "Kero, I really am curious. How does this love thing work for you guys?"

'You guys?'

"Like... you and your tiger buddies and stuff."

Kero sighed. 'What exactly do you want to know?'

"I want to know how love goes for your people." I said 'people' with a smile that seemed to annoy Kero.

'I don't know what to say.'

"Just don't be shy and tell me."

Kero thought for a second. 'Well...' He took a deep breath. 'For... tigers... love is something that is, um, important. A... a tiger is considered a young adult the second they fall into 'true' love. And the moment after the... marriage... is conducted, when the bonds are tied, when the two lovers are finally actually one, love becomes something that doesn't give the couples any second chances.'

"What do you mean second chances? Second chances for what?" I asked, totally interested.

'When you choose to wed the person you love and actually go through with it, there's no turning back. You must stay with that person for the rest of your life. I know I seem to be saying it as if getting married is a bad thing but that's not what I mean. You see, my people believe in a goddess and we believe that she is the one who draws lovers together. She is the one who tells us that we are ready to get married.'

"Goddess... huh?"

Kero nodded. 'So once a couple gets married, they get an immediate blessing from her.'

"So your goddess is a matchmaker?" I grinned.

He rolled his eyes. 'And turning your back on a marriage is the same as turning your back on the goddess herself.'

"What if you're atheist?" I asked.

'No such thing where I come from.'

"I can't believe that."

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