Chapter 2

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Yes, my cat talks. Well, he doesn't really talk since I'm the only one who can hear him. I think telepathically would be the right word. He's not at all a normal cat, but I guess that's easy to figure out.

He jumped out of my arms, and walked a safe distance away.

Suddenly, bright, sapphire blue lights flashed around him. I covered my eyes from the blinding lights. My black curls began to fly around as the winds that had formed gushed past me. When all had seemed to settle, I uncovered my eyes and looked at my, not so small, cat.

My cute kitty turned into a majestic beast in mere seconds. He stood tall and looked just like any normal white tiger but he had sapphire blue stripes rather than black. His large, tiger form was his true form. He only changes into a cat so that he won't scare anyone.

I bent down so that my face was right in front of his. "What were you up to?" I asked.

'Nothing.' He said in his deep voice.

I traced the mark on his forehead with my finger. The sapphire blue crescent moon seemed to shine.

Why can he talk? Well, I really don't know. He's been my cat and best friend since I was ten years old. I'm seventeen now, which means I've known him for quite a while. Kero was a very responsible, kind and protective cat. I actually consider him more like a tiger than a normal house cat because house cat's are pretty much lazy and stubborn. Kero is definitely not that.

I held his face in my hands and kissed his nose.

'Is everything alright?' He asked.

Smiling, I nodded.

'Did you eat?'


'Well, go eat.' He tilted his head towards the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen, opened the cupboard and pulled out a box of chocolate chip cookies. I loved chocolate chip cookies.

Kero frowned. 'Aathiray, are you serious? Is this really what you are going to eat? Why don't you get something more filling?' He put his right paw on one of the drawers, the one with the instant noodles in it.

I sighed as I opened the drawer. I pulled out a box of instant noodles and turned on the kettle.

Kero watched me as I pulled out a dish and fork.

"Are you hungry too?" I asked.

He shook his head. 'No, thank you.' He said.

I decided to change while I waited for the water to boil. "Aathavan went out right?" I asked.

Kero nodded.

"Oh, okay." I turned around and walked towards the staircase.

Kero followed. 'How was your day of socializing?'

"It was good," I said, "until we got to the van."

'What happened?'

"Well, first off, some ass hole put a dent in dad's van!"

Kero frowned. 'Aathy,' he called me by the nickname everyone calls me, 'don't say ass hole. It's rude.'

I frowned at him. "That's not the point." I said as I continued up the stairs.

'Well, maybe you should have been more careful.'

I sighed. "Dad's going to kill me."

There was a pause. 'Yes, he is.'

I turned around and glared at Kero.

He grinned, showing his beautifully sharp teeth. 'What else happened? I knew something was up but I don't think this is why you are upset.'

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