Chapter 5

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I was ten when my parents decided to take my brother and I camping. I absolutely hated the idea, but of course, why would my parents listen to me?

When we had arrived, I tried to act as stubborn as possible and did the exact opposite of what I was told to do. I just sat in my van, at least until my dad came and dragged me out. I refused to eat, until I started to starve and my mom offered marshmallows.

My brother on the other hand, loved it. He spent all his time with my dad, learning new things. I was furious. My brother always took my side, at least until that day.

After two days of acting like a stubborn little brat, I was close to giving up but then I had an idea. I told my parents that if they didn't take me home, I would go home myself.

My parents laughed and told me not to be silly.

That night, I packed my things in my backpack and grabbed my favourite blue teddy bear that I got from Paramount Canada's Wonderland and walked off into the dark forest. All alone.

I never really thought of myself as a dumb girl until that day. I refused to let myself believe that I was lost. It was dark, there were strange noises and after a short while, I started to hear thunder and it began raining.

That's when I freaked, thunder had always scared me.

I ran under a tree hoping it would keep me dry. It didn't, but it was better than staying out in the open. Or so I thought.

When the thunder got louder, I started to cry. It was then that I admitted to myself that I was a silly little girl for thinking that I could get home on my own. I cried loudly, hoping that someone would hear me, but obviously, no one did. I pulled my legs close to me and hugged them, squishing my teddy in between. "It's ok Wonderland." I said. Wonderland was the name of my teddy. I do that with all my stuffed animals, I name them something that reminds me of where I got them or who got them for me. "We're going to be ok. The rain will stop soon and we'll go home."

I then heard another strange noise; I didn't want to look because I was too scared. I was shaking so hard that I thought Wonderland was too. "It's ok... I'll protect you..." I said, trying to act brave. I then heard a voice, which made my head shoot up.

"Is someone there?" I called. Hoping it was someone who could help me.

I heard a hesitation, a small gasp.

"Please help!" I squealed, breaking out into tears again.

'A human...' The voice sounded disgusted.

"Yes! I'm a human! Help me!" I screamed.

I heard a growl that scared me.

Then, I looked around and saw the beast walk foreword. It was so terrifying with its teeth bared and he looked angry but at the same time, he was something to look at. It was a white tiger with blue stripes. Something I had never seen before. But the thing that caught my eye was the crescent shaped moon on its forehead.

I let out a little squeak when I realized that I was going to be cat food soon. A white tiger, my favourite animal. I knew enough about them to know that I would die in a second.

'Humph, scared is she? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.' The beast sounded amused.

I stared at it, not blinking. He was talking, without moving his mouth.

'Why would she be in the middle of the forest at night.' He shook his head angrily. 'Human parents. Such fools.'

"It's not my parents fault... I left... without telling them..." I whispered.

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