The Penguin

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You were welcomed very coldly by the King of Gotham. He seemed in a terrible mood and even Butch was looking down, dodging his gaze, as much as possible.

"You've called us boss ?" you asked, actually worried.

"They have my mom. And if you need to know something about me is that my mother is more precious than anything. And they used her to blackmail me."

You frowned.

"Never touch the family" you stated fiercely.

The look that you exchanged with Ivy warmed your heart and moved you.
You pressed yourself against her without even acknowledging it.


"May I ask who dared do that ?"

"Theo Galavan. He was behind all the fuss with the Maniax."

"I knew it ! This guy is a real son of a bitch."

"I have to kill the other mayor candidates. We have a deal and I will respect it. Butch and Zsasz will take care of it. But I could need your...persuasion skills."

You nodded, happy that he kept his promise.

"What do want us to do ? We're not really the spy kind."

"I am," Ivy interrupted you.

You looked at her surprised and she smiled under your gaze.

"I want you to investigate on the case and find my mother."

Ivy seemed convinced but not you.

"Wait, wouldn't that be too risky ? It could mean to break into their place to find informations. Should I recall to you that there are insane people in there ?"

"We're all mad here," the Penguin answered.

You smiled.

"Alice in Wonderland," you replied.

"Pep, we are not better," Ivy added softly.

"That's not the point Iv, I'm worried about you."

She squeezed your hand.

"Alright, then what should I do ? I'm not a spy."

"Direct the bar. I won't be able to do much, you will be more than helpful."

"I'm not a bar keeper."

"Neither was I, but I don't doubt you'll make it."

You weren't sure about it, but didn't insist.
Oswald sighed then declared :

"I demanded to prepare two chambers for you. Butch will escort you."

He was always directed to the door, Ivy following him.
You landed a hand on Oswald's shoulder. He rose his head and you exchanged a look. For a short instant, you could see the poor son desperately lost and his emotions hit you like a truck and tears filled your eyes inexplicably.
He noticed it and escaped your touch.
The vulnerability that you saw in him left you breathless.

"I swear, we will find her," you claimed emotionally.

His eyes flinched and you left.


You heard a knock on your door.
You rearranged your pyjamas and yelled to come in.
Ivy's head popped up.

"Hi, you're not sleeping ?"

You patted the place next to you and she rushed and laid under the blanket.

"I can't," you simply stated.

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