Chapter 2

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Dropping down to my knees and helping Dylan retrieve my books that were aggressively removed from my grip.

Out of nowhere I see someone's approximately a size 11 van shoe appear in my view and say "you know Tori has never done anything to you to make you hate her so bad that you are hurting her like this, so Jessica why don't you find someone that's just as low as you are and please go make real friends,"

In that moment I immediately recognized the voice to match no other than the bad boy leader himself Hunter Simons. "Do you need help getting up?" He asked in a huskily voice. I could not believe what just happened right now. "Uhm...No its fine we've got it. Thank you though." I replied to my knight in black. A boy who I watched from my locker every morning and the boy who is in my maths Advanced just helped me in my time of need.

Getting up and saying good-bye to Dylan I make my way to English Advanced, which I have it with no other than my cousin. His a year older than let and me tell you if you thought I was a nerd his a bigger one. All his classes are advanced which is nothing new for our family.

English went by fast and now it's time for my one class with the knight in black that saved me from his ex-girlfriends doings. Yes I just said ex-girlfriend, they dated for about a week on and off again. Enough about that I entered Maths and I see Hunter in an unusual seat, next to me so what I did I never thought I would but it did I went to sit next to him. "Hi Tori. I hope you don't mind me sitting next to you it's just that I thought it would be better." There's something totally off at this moment in time maybe it could be an ellipse or it could just be him finally coming to his senses of being nice to me.

Let me tell you a little more about history with Mr. Hunter Simons. He lives next door to me for as long as I can remember, always shouting at him to move his motorbike out of my drive way and always getting told to F off. Our mothers are in the same Yoga class and think it's a really funny to make us go with and SOCIALISE when it's obviously not.

"Hunter its fine. Mrs Frankly just walked it, but can I talk to you aft..." I was asked by the teacher to keep quiet due to that I never finished my sentence/question. Maths was a difficult to concentrate in, but after maths class the rest of the day went by fast, which meant it, was weekend. The todays of the week where I can enjoy my loneliness unless Hunter and his little sluts aren't drunk

Walking out of school waiting for my sister to arrive and hear her shout she's going home with Michael her boyfriend for almost 2 years is the worst meaning I've got to walk home alone

Hunter passes me as I'm walking and pulls over "want a lift Tori?" imp shocked at his question but never the less I don't accept it by carrying on walking. He doesn't get the hint that I'm fine with walking home he starts driving slowly on his bike next to me.

"You said something about wanting to talk to me after class but Mrs Frankly interrupted you while you were talking... So what is it you wanted to say?"

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