Chapter 4

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Entering my room I made sure that my blinds were shut before I have any encounter with hunter again. ONE THAT IS NOT NEEDED. I remembered that I have physics homework. How fun. Note the sarcasm.

After about 2 hours or so of doing home I was finally finished. I took a chance of opening up my blinds but it was getting extremely hot due to it being spring. As I opened it I seen hunter staring directly at me cause me to moving away from the window fast.

Right now I hear him calling my name trying to get my attention. I just cant face him right now instead I put my ear phones in hoping that they will be loud enough to block out Hunters call for me.

Staring at my ceiling thinking in my head of what could happen to my reputation if someone would've seen me with him. I could've been the schools next slut to hit on. If Jessica seen me with Hunter my world would've been destroyed and I could've not been able to walk a day at school without some food or books being thrown at me.

The people I tutor would've had to look for someone new to tutor them because Jessica would be spreading some dumb ass rumor about me of how many 'STDS' I have. 

Sorry guys this is such a short chapter!!!!

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