Chapter 6

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Hunter said nothing he just walked behind us while watching my every move from walking into Victoria secret buying bras that are a bit to slutty for my liking but at least they were my favourite colour, black.

When we went into forever 21 again Jenna disappeared so did Michael. After that I was left alone with Hunter. "Tori can we speak?" hunter asked me "Hunter not here, maybe after we done here why don't you come over and we can talk." I'm not sure why I said that but maybe it wont be the worst idea under the sun.

I walked away from hunter due to it being weird and also because I found a silk red jumpsuit that comes down to my ankle which would go great with either a black ankle boot or black heel.

Deciding on not to get the suit I turn around and seen hunter watching me nothing new but this time he was shy about it which made it even more sweet for me. I might have under estimated him and his ability to impress him but I will never ever go out with him.

Not only because of him being a bad boy or his reputation but also because of his way with girls. He jumps from one girl to another, which scares me most because I could be one of those girls if I give into his silly games that could mess with my head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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