Chapter 3

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"Oh yes there is something. Why did you help me and Dylan while Jessica was bulling us again like normal?" I had to ask him that question I could not let it go unanswered.

"Tori I could not see you get hurt like that on a daily bases and it hit a nerve this morning when she smacked your books out of your hand."

What I had heard really shocked me to the point where I got up from the sidewalk where we seated ourselves. Being shocked isn't what he expected from me but I couldn't or at least I had no words to say him. He grabbed my arm, something weird sparked at me it was like there was a spark inside that came alive. He looked at me like something came alive in him as well.

I took that as a sign to run home and that's exactly what I did. Gasping for air as I was nearing the park right across from my house I was glad to see that hunter did not follow me home even though he lives next door. I just felt like being alone for a bit and that's exactly what I did.

When I reached the park I sat on the swing set that overlooks mine and hunters houses where I can clearly see my parents shoving my brothers out of the kitchen. I sat on the swing for a good few hours not once thinking about how I will face hunter tomorrow at school or just walking over to my house cause as you know he lives next door and to make matters worse his bedroom window is right next to mine where he could easily watch me from his bed that oddly faces the window so it directly looks into my room.

I look over to my watch noticing it already was five o clock. Grabbing my backpack off the grass where I left it. I walked over the road to enter my house I could already hear my brothers playing with these dumb nerf guns and my sister shouting at them to stop.

Placing my house keys on the rack I shouted "Honey I'm home" and almost immediately I was hit with nerf gun bullets and an angry yet annoying sister asking why I took so long to get home. "Jenna I was at the park for the last three hours" with that statement I walked upstairs to greet my parents in their office and headed straight to my room.

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