The Call to Action

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{}=Author's Note


College is...{I don't go to college yet}cool? I mean you get to do things independently so...yay? I don't know. It's weird though sometimes I feel like there's something...wrong? Almost like I'm not actually what my parents say I am. Obviously, I'm not all normal well "normal" but...

????: Hey, are you gonna be in here for long?

Me: Maybe, it depends on what you're planning, Tyler

Tyler is my roommate and a pretty cool guy. He's one of those, really cool people that everyone likes. Me? Well, I'm more of an introvert until I see people frequently. It is nighttime so I might just go to sleep.

Tyler: Well, I was planning to throw a party, but I know how much you get awkward so...

Me: I'll just be out then.

Tyler: Cool, and thanks.

Me: Mhmm. 

I walk outside which was surprisingly met with no resistance. You see, in my college, there's no curfew but people are expected to not be out an about. I, however, wanted to walk around.

Me: It feels...darker than usual, yet warmer.

Pondering this I feel a warm presence behind me. Looking back I see a blonde woman wearing all white. She left an air of divinity and spoke

????: Hello my child.

Me: ...

????: Um...hello? I can assure you you are not hallucinating.

Me: That's exactly what a hallucination would say! But, who are you?

????: I am the Goddess of Creation, Lianna. You are my offspring.

Me: What? I'm sorry? You're my...what?

GC Lianna: I am your true mother.

Me: Oh...okay.

Mom: that all you needed? 

Me: This may not be a fully intelligent decision, but I'd say if a Goddess says she's your mother. I think it's safe to say she's right.

Mom: That is a very reasonable assumption.

Me: Uh, Mother? Is there a reason you're here?

Mom: Yes, please come with me.

I'm then surrounded by a bright light. When I open my eyes I see nothing but light. I try to move, but I can't.

Me: Huh?

Mom: There is a dimension where a hero is needed. The Hyperdimesion.

Me: Wait, isn't that just a game?

Mom: Here yes, but not there. Please, you must help them.

Me: Wait, why me? Is it because I'm your son?

Mom: Close, You are an impossible fusion of good and evil. Gods and Demons are never supposed to...Anyway, due to your fusion, you hold unimaginable power. So I ask you again, please help them.

Me: Yes, I will.

Mom: Thank you, and good luck.

Everything turns into a blinding light and I feel myself falling... 

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