Dancing with Death!?

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{}=Author's Note


{I going to go back to the writing style you all know, but please tell me which you prefer better}

Dying isn't nearly as bad as people make it. I mean sure I'm technically the "chosen one" so I guess my experiences will be different, but it's just being reborn into someone else. Except you also retain all the information you previously had and it's completely separate from the living world.

Me: Oof, I can't feel my anything.

I looked around and saw basically what you'd expect from actual death...absolute blackness.

?????: So, you're finally here. I was beginning to wonder what was taking so long...

I look around while changing the story's tense and try to find where the voice is coming from when my eyes rest on a figure wearing a black cloak.  Since it's pitch black I patted myself on the back for my impressive eagle vision.

?????: It took you long enough. Now then should we begin your training?

The basically invisible figure puts down its hood to reveal a duck's head.

Me: Egads! Arlo was right!

Stunned the figure looks at me confused. At least, I think it does, as it's duck head is unmoving.

Arlo's Correctness: What are you even talking about MORTAL!? ...Actually, in this case, I'm wrong.

Me: Technically no, I just died. Anyway, why the duck head? Are you trying to look less menacing, Death?

He slowly pulls off the totally real duck head and sighs revealing how he's usually depicted.

Death: Yes, however, it seems you will only be distracted.

He throws the head of ducks into the void...somehow. 

Me: ...I'm not questioning it. Besides, what was this about training? Aren't I already dead?

Death: Yes and no. You meet the qualifications to become a God. Thus, you cannot die, yet. 

I ponder the new information I was so kindly gifted by Death.

Death: I've been tasked to train you.

Me: Why? Does no one else feel it worth their time?

Death chuckles (didn't know he was capable of joy honestly)

Death: Far from it. I alone possess the ability to travel between dimensions. Why else do you think I'm depicted in many different ways?

Sadly Death is lying about that...Foreshadowing???

Me: Oh, okay.

Death: ...what? That's all?

Me: Yup

He looks confused, I think

Death: I thought I'd have to try to convince you.

Me: Nope. It makes enough sense for me not to question it.

Death: Your a very chill guy.

I wince a little and frown excessively

Me: Other than the fact you used the wrong "you're" but fine.

Extremely Entertaining Timeskip!!!!!!

Death: Well now. You've grown quite considerably in these past few hours.

Me: Wait, HOURS!? It felt like we were doing this for 15 years!

Death: Well we have, but time stays still when you're dead. Sorta.

Me: I see...so what now?

Death: we celebrate!

Death spawns a party room with a dance floor out of the Void of Sorrow.

Me: No.

Death: What? Come on, a little festivities won't hurt.

He walks over to the dance floor and starts break dancing

Me: ...I have...no words.

Death stops and stands up. He poses like a dead Ginyu Force member and starts moonwalking. My soul starts eternally screaming.

Death: Why are you screaming? Come on! Let's boogie!

He then does a split and comes back up with a spin.

Me: N-No.

Shrugging Death proceeds to do the Hokey Pokey.

After an hour of the admittingly funny dance show, Death stops. He's smiling. {After years of training I can tell Death's emotions}

Death: Sometimes I just get diseased.

I stare at him growing more concerned. I think constantly taking souls and such has made him insane. Before I could open my mouth I feel something wrong.

Me: Do you feel that?

Death nods and opens up a "Map". I say map, but it's more like a holographic image of the entire existence. Only I and Death can fathom such scope. {And you, if you decided to use yourself as the protagonist instead}

A familiar place shows up on the where the Dimensional Anomaly is taking place DA for short...A little explanation is in order huh? Okay, so during the years/hours of training I went to other "pocket" dimensions to hone my skills. If you ever played DB Xenoverse you'll know what I'm talking about. Basically, something is happening which can severely alter the course of the Dimension the Anomaly is taking place. Thus, it must be stopped, with force.

I quickly open a "door" to the affected Dimension.

Death: Wait. It's time.

Death takes out a sword, not unlike the Dawnbreaker, but with the blade being more like a katana. However, this sword is special. Dubbed the Soulsplitter it has the ability to cut the victim's soul out of their physical body and allowing the wielder to "destroy the evil in one's heart" essentially stealing their treasure, but without the confession. I'm such a joker. Anyway, it can only be wielded by the blood of the Creator Goddess, which is Mother, me and my offspring, but I'm sure my future child will have nothing to do with that.

I take the blade and jump through the opening I made previously.

Me: Gaur Plains

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