A Wild Nep Appears!

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{}=Author's Note


I wake up with the sun in my eyes.

Me: ...That's bright.

After a moment of being drunk off drowsiness, I remember where I am and what happened. Looking to the right of me I see Noire is nowhere to be found. Slightly relieved, I get up and get dressed and head into the supposed bathroom she told me about.

What luck! Bathroom found! is what I would have said if it were a bathroom. No, it was by random chance her walk-in closet full of cosplay. 

Me: She really should have locked this or something...Is that a nurse outfit? And there's a maid one! ...Truly terrifying.

I escape the Closet of My Impending Doom and quickly go to the kitchen. I greet a sleepy Uni who tries not to fall out of her chair. I also notice Noire is still nowhere to be found.

Me: Hey Uni, where's Noire?

She jumps to attention.

Uni: Huh!? Oh...um she's in the corner over there. 

Sure enough, I see Noire hunched over by the corner mumbling something to herself. She looks broken. And not in the sad kind of way. Walking over I ask her what's wrong.

Noire: 01001001 00100000 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101100 01100101 01110000 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101111 01111001 00100001

Me: Okay, very broken. 

She gasps as she looks at me. I move closer and feel her head. We're close enough to kiss.

Me: You okay? I'm no doctor, but it looks like you might have a fever. Or you're just embarrassed.

Noire: !!!!!

I stay there for a few seconds because I'm horrible. After having my fun I step back from her. Oops! Might have broken her more. Just then...

???????: Yo Noire! I randomly decided to come over! Totally not for plot convenience! 

Randomly barging in for no other reason than plot convenience the Goddess of Planeptune Neppy-Tune-O. 

Neptuniod: Wait...What!!!!!!!!??????????

She points at me and then looks a Noire with a super supremely surprised shock-ed face.

Nepperoni: Oh my pepperoni! Noire did you get a chauffeur?

Noire: What!? Why was that the first thing to come to mind!?

Me: Oh good, you aren't broken.

Nepturanus: I dunno...wait, what's a chauffeur?

Noire facepalms with the strength of Phil Swift with Dan Akroyd's baseball cap...what?

Noire: It's- no nevermind that! Why are you here?

Neep: Just by random chance.

Turning her attention to me she tilts her head.

Neptoon: but who are you?

Me: I'm Noire's husband. Nice to meet you.

I extend my hand and immediately here a loud thump sound. Noire fell down with maximum blushingness.

Definitely, broke her now.

Rather short compared to the others but I felt like writing.

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