A Tsundere's Love

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{}=Author's Note


{I is a very lazy boy}

I must admit, falling is a terrifying experience. It is exceptionally so when you don't have any way to land. This is the predicament I find myself this beautiful day. Looking down is the worst possible this I could have done, but I did it and my heart stopped...

Me: Well...guess this is how I die...

I brace for inevitable pain and instead am embraced by the joy of stoppage. Well, it wasn't too pleasant, but it was softer than the ground...I mean I guess slowing down with tree branches is very painful, but actually, I'm more interested in why I feel uninjured. In fact, I feel great!

Me: What should I do now? I don't even know where I am. {Or how Neptunia works. I feel like I should reinforce the fact I haven't played or watched any Neptunia game...ever...so how will this work...?}

Luckily I found something in my pocket that'll help me on my entire quest. A convenient magic minimap with quest objectives! It probably has other feature but I didn't look yet. 

Me: Let's see...Nav! [that's dumb] Where should I go? Or do?

Nav: Objective: figure out what to do.

Me: Well that's helpful. *Sigh* Oh well...

After walking for hours I manage to get lost in some woods. I previously found some armor and a sword along while aimlessly walking. I suddenly stop because I heard voices from farther in. Doing my best to be stealthy I approach the source of the sound.

????: You'd better leave now or suffer the consequences of angering a CPU!

I see about four-ish Bandits foolishly trying to rob the CPU of Lastation, Noire. They seemed a little too confident...or just stupid. You decide...

Bandit#1: Hahaha! Like we'd be scared of you. Not when we have this!

The Bandit#1 takes out some black-ish crystal and holds it up. He smirks and a dark pulse exudes from said crystal causing Noire to fall to her knees.

Uni: Onee-chan!

Noire: I'm fine! This is nothing at all.

Noire's face clearly shows signs of agony. Uni seems to be overwhelmed because she doesn't do anything. She suddenly collapses on the ground.

Noire: Uni! 

Bandit#2: Alright, Now that you're powerless I think we'll have some fun!

Noire: Powerless!? I'll show you powerless!

Noire raises her rapier {Can't actually remember what it was} and "destroyed" Bandit#2 with dance-like movements. She quickly defeats the rest of the bandits with more deadly yet elegant movements. However, her fatigue is quite obvious as she is now breathing heavily.

Noire: Uni? *Huff* Are you okay?

The CPU Candidate slowly gets up a rubs her head.

Uni: Yeah, just a little dizzy.

????: Once I'm through with you 'dizzy' will be the least of your worries.

A rather rough-looking man walks into my view. He's wearing a bandana on his head with some impressive looking armor. He seems to be the leader.

Noire: Who are you?

Cole: I'm Cole, the leader of the poor maggots you see here. 

He unsheathes his sword and kills one of his underlings.

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