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{}=Author's Note


Omniscient 3rd Person POV 

Five Months Later

Noire hasn't been the same since the death of her first love. Sure she puts on a front and acts her usual self, however, at home, she cries. it's to the point of her work suffering and shares dropping drastically. Neptune is her normal self as always and is easily tricked it seems. Vert is just as oblivious while Blanc has her suspicions. Uni has been trying to cheer Noire up but to no avail. Somehow this also gets by K-Sha...

K-Sha: Come on Noire! Your work has been horrible lately! Maybe you and I should go to the park and relax a little. Then maybe we could...

K-Sha stops noticing Noire deep in thought. She waves her hand in front of Noire only for it to be pushed away.


Agreeing Noire gets up from her desk and walks into the bathroom splashing her face with water. Upon seeing herself in the mirror she cringes slightly.

Noire: (I'm a mess)

She quickly combs her hair and dries her face. She walks out of the bathroom and is greeted by K-Sha who then leads the way.

Short Timeskip

Noire and K-Sha arrive at the park. K-Sha takes out a picnic blanket and spreads it across the grass. She then sits down and beckons Noire to follow. Obliging Noire sits down while K-Sha gets utensils and plates from the basket she brought. After a nice chat, the Sun starts to set. K-Sha is awestruck with Noire's beauty in the diminishing sunlight.

K: Wow...Noire you're beautiful.

Noire stares off in the distance and looks uneasy.

Noire: Uh...thanks.

K: I like your necklace. Where'd you get it?

The color on Noire's face instantly drains. Tear's start to form and she lightly starts to shake.

K: Noire?

Noire gets up and runs away all the way back to her Basilicom. She stops at a graveyard. Walking over to a tombstone with the name of her would-be lover. 

Noire: I-I...I wish this could have been different...we could have...

???????: Noire! Hey! We found the location of Arfoire's Lair! We can aven-...oh.

Neptune walks up to Noire as she's staring at the tombstone.

Nep: Hey...c'mon. We found Arfoire. We ca-

Noire: Where!?

Neptune hands Noire a map to where Arfoire is located.


Now Noire stands in a corrupted land. A place where not even enemies go for they risk getting absorbed by the land itself. Everything there is dead or transformed into a vile beast whose purpose is to murder anything and everything. Lucky for her, she's safe for a divine occurrence that is preventing her from turning. The place is surrounded by the light of what looks like fireflies. She ignores the strange occurrence and goes straight for the base.

Arstore: Oh, looks like you found my not so secret base. And you're alone! Too bad you aren't Neptune, but I can still have a little fun killing you.

Noire only glares at her and tries transforming into her HDD form... But nothing happens.

Arsnore: Hah! Shares can't reach this desolate land. Your little trick won't work here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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