1 The Life

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I watched my two sisters eating the living hell out of the beefsteak on their plates. While me being an introvert child in the family is holding a phone filming every funny act that their doing. Their habit was totally so unmannered and their high-class etiquettes were gone really bad. As Violet  Carbonelle my older sister is munching her beefsteak like a pig, Lavender Carbonelle my second older sister, on the other hand, was beating her by eating like a monkey with both hands she eats the last piece of beefsteak and said finish,
"I win! Viol you lose bwaahahaha such a loser."
"In your face, Lav your just lucky today even though you won, It just proves you're a monkey that eats like a lion." wiping the mess of beefsteak on her face.
"Shut up Violet." Lavender rolled her eyes at her. 
Violet smirked at her.
"You know what they say, you are what you eat."  Lavender looked pissed. "Look whose talk-"

I cut off the rest of their conversation as I clicked the stop button and slam myself on the couch in the living room. Spreading my feet in the comfortable  seat, so comfy.I looked over the beefsteak eating contest laughing at my sisters faces.
Lavender is the immature one of our siblings we are actually five and I'm the youngest of them all. My other guy sibling's names are Andrew and Lucas Carbonelle they are a lot more playful in their own circle of friends than with us,when we are having a family bonding together. 
So lets go back to Lavender. She seems the silliest of us but everyone knows not to get on her bad side. Her bad side proves that she is indeed a monster.

"So baby sis, how's life being a Quider's wife." She curiously asked.

"Not so good Older sister."

"You're not yet in love with that gorgeously handsome guy."

"No Lavender I will not fall for that jerk." I hissed.

"Why?"she asked with an interrogating look.Bloody Matter I am in deep trouble now.

"His personalities are annoying."

"I don't believe you baby sis because the way you look at him there's a spark in your eyes. Such an in-denial Queen." She affirmed.


I don't have the looks of a teenager like Andrea brilliantes or the attitude of a sweet little girl. Andrew and Lucas describe me as deadly when you get to know me, Very .To the outside of my comfort zone people say I'm shy and quiet. Violet and my best friend Cassie Quider would give them the 'Are you seriously crazy look?'Look. I'm loud? It depends on which I have my close friends and families. But  I'm quiet when I'm with  other people I barely know. I'll just curl up in my room reading a good book in hand. In short, I'm plain and boring. me. I'm a girl with long hair that needs to be cut and layered, has no fashion sense in wearing clothes and doesn't like hanging out with people.

I remembered when I first found my best friend in my high school days because she wasn't like the other girls who are too complainants and can't stop talking gossip about other peoples lives. I look towards heaven and yelled to god my 'thank you'. That resulted in my living nightmare now.

Describing Cassie Quider. She is my only true girl best friend because she made me realize  change is necessary from my head to my toes.She change me into something i cannot imagine before i meet her i use to be a bullies play thing.

"Ugly! freak! Are you sure your not an adopted daughter of the Carbonelle?"

Accused by my bully classmate Tiara the muse of our room.
I kept quiet that's the thing I'm good at not letting them see that i got affected of their wrong accusation this is the start of my sophomore year as a junior high school girl ready to unravel the mystery of a student.i by passed them and directly went to my seat at the end of the room where you could see the side windows.

"Hey I'm not done talking to you!Could you change your aberrant behavior you disgusting good for nothing twerp .You are not belong here. " She added while giving me her devilish glare.I grip my fist to prevent myself for punching an obtuse person full of herself,a spurious commenting fraud bitch!
Calm self your not a war freak.breath in breath out.that's it self keep your peace your not here for this your here for your studies.

"Tiara! Would you shut that darn mouth for once. " barked by the bad boy of the class  Hennessey Garnnier.He was annoyed because  Tiara's voice echo disturbing his sleep.
"And you. come here and seat next to me."he commanded while pointing me.I was shook in other word i am in danger.
"Faster "

I was dumbfounded that my mind is a mess  that i bump in to someone.
"I'm sorry Miss."
"It's okay but next time be careful." She chuckled after that and i look to her .Her face look amused "by the way let me help you."we

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