7 My Beloved

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As he said that as he walks to the balcony of our room and I followed him. "I wanted to be a better version of myself, I know it is a self process so I encourage myself to change the bad habits that I had to be a better husband for you."

Silence fell on the balcony, "because I felt in love with you ever since we were kids, I don't know how but I just know all of you are the light to my darkness life. You are my sunshine that will bright up my mood all the time at every situation that I have." He look into my eyes with love and said the word "I love you Marinie my wife and I know I don't feel the same." he then turn back and walk towards to the open door to our room but before that I grab his business suit and also I shout at the top of my lungs the word I always wanted to confess "I love you too Aaron Jee Quider ,my hubby since we were kids when you always give me a cold attitude." He furrowed his brows and I kiss him. He blinked lightly with a tranquil expression on his face, as though she hadn't said a thing. I was astonishment by his expression. They kissed again and she savors his kisses. She's enjoying it. And when his lips claimed hers, she just let him kissed her. She didn't move to kiss him back and that made him stopped. "Kiss me back" he demanded while brushing his lips against hers. Instead of kissing him back, I yawned with my eyes close. "I'm sleepy it's now 11 pm in the evening lets sleep please." "Okay wifey." And together we walk hand in hand towards our room.

"God's gracious word can make you everything you could possibly need." Act 20:32

The truth transforms us indeed. God's loves make us stronger and have lots of spiritual growth a process of replacing lies with truth. Now my eyes are widely open of the sanctification of revelation. Believe in him because the spirit of god uses the word of god to make us like the son of god. To become like Jesus, we must fill our lives with his word because through the word we are shaped up and put together for the tasks God has to us. God's word is unlike any other word. It is alive, when god speaks, things change. Everything around change all of the creation exist because of his existence. I realized without God's word I would not even be alive. God decided to give us life through the word of truth so we might be the most important of all the things he made. God's words generates life, creates faith, produces changes, frightens the devil, causes miracles, heals hurt, builds character, transforms circumstances, imparts joy, overcomes adversity, defeats temptation, infuses hope, releases power, brings things into being , guarantees our future and also cleanses our minds forever. We cannot live without him! Now that I have him in me I realized that never ever take him for granted. I consider his words as an essential to my spiritual nourishment that fulfills my purpose. Before I fulfill that I walk to the direction of I must accept its authority. A bible of life is the first and last word. Many of our troubles occurs because we base our choice s on unreliable authorities our cultures, traditions, reasons, and emotions. All of these are flawed by fall. What we need is a perfect authority that will lead us in the right directions and that is the bible.

I must assimilate its truth. It is not enough just to believe we must fill the minds with the Holy Spirit that can transform the truth. Five ways to do this receive it, read it, research it, remember it, and reflect on it because that illustrates how God's word can takes root in our lives and bear fruits. It will help resist temptation, make wise decisions, reduce stress, build confidence, offer good advice, and share faith others. Memory is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it will become.

And lastly I must apply its principles. Receiving, reading, researching, remembering, and reflecting on the word are all useless if we fail to put them into practice. We must become doer of the word. This is the hardest step of all, because Satan fights it so intensely.

We fool ourselves when we assume that just because we have heard, read, and studied a truth we have internalized it. Actually without implementation all our bibles are worthless because practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock, Jesus pointed out that God's blessing comes from obeying the truth, not just knowing it.

The reasons we avoided it is that it's difficult and even painful to accept truth. The truth will set you free, but first it may make you miserable. God's word is hard work. That's why it is so important. We always learn from others truths we would never learn on our own .Others mistakes will help us see insights we would mess and help. We apply God's truth in a practical way.

"If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32

We, people need more than food for our life. We must feed on every word of god. I Jolly Marinie Carbonelle a young lady who is set to be name Mrs. Quider as a sign of my parents agreement to settle with the Quider and Carbonelle as a tradition of the families lineage and My husband Aaron Jay Quider a mouthwatering specimen of manhood, gorgeously handsome, ruthless and extremely rich that every woman adore .but deep within his heart and soul lay a very kind and gentle guy who is hiding from the cruel world. AND This is the beginning our journey with god.

-------------------------THE END-------------

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