2 Meeting the Stranger

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Three Months ago
During the last day of our class .Cassies's roommate Girlie Savidra invited as to go to the bar. Most of my classmates would be there as a gathering .She was so excited to go to the bar because Its our first time .I've never been there before ever in my whole existence in this world. So Cassie and I went to the bar together with Girlie .We are having fun at first ,but after a few hours because of my drunken state the bar became too crowded for my vision. As I look to the other side my classmates as will are so drunk that their dancing wildly and crazily. "Cass we need to go were drunk .We are not safe her. I need to sleep, my vision are getting blur and blurry." But Cassie is not listening so I start walking finding a way to get out of this bar .But my vision is getting blurry and blurry every seconds that I actually bumped someone. I was glad someone catches me before I fall deeply face to face on the floor because of my clumsiness. "Thank you, Sir. You can now let go of me I can handl-"but before I can finish my word the stranger dragged me to the exit of the bar and never letting go of my hand. As we walk, he drags me to his car. "We're we going? Why are you dragging me in your car?" "Shut up Marinie!"

When my phone rang, it indicates an alarmed sound of my waking clock. A man was the first to rouse. Turning sideways, I realized that I had fallen asleep in a man's arms! After about three seconds, the event of the previous night started coming back to me. Thunderstruck, I hurriedly jump off the bed and run towards the toilet in a panic. "Oh my god, what happened to me?" As I saw myself naked in the bathroom's mirror. I hurriedly grab a robe to cover my nakedness and start counting one to ten to ease my fast heartbeat and start opening the door. "Ok Mr. I doesn't know the name. Who dragged me to my own house .What really happen? And why am I naked in this bedroom of mine?"I was talking to him in a calm tone. "You're not panicking? Such an amazing woman I must say---."
Before the guy can start talking the whole event that had happen to us when I'm sleeping. There is someone opening the door that reveals my parents shock as I was."What happen in here?"My dad serious voice as he speaks occupied the room while looking at the both of us."Why are the both of you are not properly with clothes? Jolly get dress properly now and start explaining, what you just did with a guy wearing a boxer?"Mommy's hint of disappointment is evident to her tone and face. What have I done to my contentedly peaceful life? As my parents were gone I looked to the guy's face with furrowed eye brows and scan my room.It's a mess the bedsheet had a small bright red stain. Female and male clothes are scruffy on the floor behind the bed. I had too much alcohol the night before, which caused me a splitting headache.But this did not hinder my thoughts process.In just about a second, I figured out what had happen between the two of us.
It is not a dream! I'm not dreaming!
Everthing is real!
But the big question is why did the guy knows my home address? I have no other friends except Cassie she is the one who knows my address.I told her my address because she is my best friend. My face darkened as I clenched my hand ready to punched the guy's face, who's in front of me, but I refrained myself from doing it because it is useless .So I yanked my closet open, grab adecent dress and also an internal girls stuff and marched toward the bathroom with a mask of angered face. As I slammed the bathroom's door I shout at him the line 'I am not yet done with you.'
Now I'm walking on the stairs of our two-story mansion down to the first floor where the Office room is located I knocked three times before I open and entered that room .before I can sit down I can see different faces in the room a middle age handsome man, a young handsome man and the king beast who is gorgeously handsome that gives me a headache this morning and also my father who is in his office table and my mom who is beside him.
"Here she is, so it's stilled now."
"Yes of course Robert. My niece Aaron was willing to take responsibilities for what happen to them. He is willing to marry Jolly. I can say his willing to settle down NOW."
"What! I taught I'm the one who would marry her in the future, because we are fix to be together in the beginning. MommyLa told me that even she is not yet born she will be my wife that's the tradition of a Carbonelle and a Quider families lineage."
"Yes it is true Adrian, but what happen right now will change. You are free to choose who you want to marry in the Carbonelle's female daughters except my daughter Jolly."
"Mom what's happening? Who's marrying whom as a tradition?"
"Claire aren't yourdaughter suppose to know the tradition of the two families?"
"I'm not marrying anyone in this room. Andit's final."
"JOLLY MARINIE who give you the permission to decline the Quider family.That's the tradition, only the boys of the Carbonelle and Quider will choose who they want to marry. So settle down and filter your mouth."
"But ....Daddy!" I look at my dad and said my disgust but refrain because of his serious face,facing at me. I look at the side and pleas mom."Mommy please."but failed.

They did not tell me of this tradition thing In Just a day,I became a Mrs. Quider. A wife's man I barely know with the help of our family lawyer.

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