6 Vlady's Intention

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It's the fifth day of his mother's wake. He did not do anything but to guard his mom and never even sleep ever since he left the hospital. The person who's behind his mother's death was imprisoned he was an enemy of his father. His father is the one who gives justice to his mother's death but he those not mind at all because his great so-called father will not be home comforting him. Even if he doesn't go home he doesn't care anymore. "Aaron, you need to rest! Cassie is in their sleeping in your room if you like to sleep beside your baby sister. She's there." His relatives called Cassie as a nickname of his baby sister. He shakes his head as a sign he doesn't want to go. As he saw his father he said "You have no right to be here!" they're standing on the entrance door was his father. "Son, I need to see your mom, I need to. Please. You need me as a father now, Aaron." "I don't need you" he coldly said, "Son." "I thought you protect and save people, dad."

" But where are you when we need you when I and mom were in danger? You're the one to be blamed for my mother's death. Mom was gone because of you! If you just chose to live that damn job of yours we should not be in danger! She should not be died by now! She will not choose who would be saved first! If you just hurriedly come home, mom would still be alive today!" His father cried in front of them in front of all the people from his mother's wake. Aaron held his tears and acted as a stone. "Mom endures all the pain and waited all of your time that you can give just for her, even if she is in pain because of her being pregnant without you, she always takes care of me and always understands you. You wanted to be a hero! A saint! To everyone! Congrats, dad! You have saved everyone's lives except for my mom's life!" "Aaron." "Have you seen that? Mommy is in there! She's sleeping peacefully and never ever will wake up . How can you start doing your promises now! When the women you have promised to be with her, Died! If you wanted to be a hero YOU SHOULD PRIORITIZE YOUR FAMILY FIRST! You should stop being my dad because ever since I grow up you'll never ever act like my father at all. I.HATE.YOU." he's father gasp and the pain is evident in his eyes as I spoke every word. His father tried to reach him but failed as I walked away. His dad is angry at him and his anger with his dad too. Seemed fair enough. He hated his father to the core. He is not a hero. Not anymore for him. My heart is a stone for my father. I promise my self that I will not be like him .never ever be like him.he'll be wiser .if ever he had a wife he will love her and filled her with all the attention that he has, he's wife will not be like his mother. He promises that to himself. But he was oblivious that he was becoming like his father.

My tears fall as I heard his story the pain was evident in his eyes too. I saw his eyes are sorely red with tears I was a bad person towards him he was holding back his past so that's why he was being like this a loaf, unemotional cold man on the outside but was a broken soul on the inside "I'm sorry I didn't know" I hug him tight and said the word that I wanted to tell him since I become his wife "I cared for you. So if you feel like you wanted to cry and wanted to talk again I'll listen."

"He'll choose to rescue lives. Serve his fellow countrymen. Put justice in order but his an irresponsible father and a husband but you know what, I face the monster in me I pray to god for it. I talk to him yesterday because of you I settle our differences asked him his side of the story and I realize he did his best to be a responsible father in his own way he was not there to protect us he was far, to save our lives. He wanted as safe so he never goes home just to protect us. He was chasing the guy who really killed my mother all alone. He was there from afar watching us grow up and I'm so stupid to not realize it. I'm so stupid for hating my father all these years." He said while crying and looking in my eyes.

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