What is that thing?

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Blackfire's P.O.V

I was watching some TV in the Main Room. Atleast i did after i 'convinced' BB and Cyborg to leave.
Seriously though. Do you even know how hard it is get these two away from the TV when they are playing Video Games? I deserve a freaking Medal for that!
Anyway. I wasn't even really paying attention to the TV i was just chilling and spacing out.

The peace didn't last long, i suddenly saw a purple object flashing by the window. I got up and ran to the window to see what that thing was. i only saw it flying for a short amount of time until it crashed into the Jump City park.

I also knew what that meant. I was making my way to the door and waited. I thought how long it would take Robin to come here to "Titans, Go!" yeah exactly that.

The first thing i noticed was that the Park was WRECKED. The thing, what seemed to be a meteor, took down some trees, it also made a very long dirt trace,
on top of that all light bulbs exploded like it overcharged them or something like that.

When we reached the stone we realized that be were not alone.
"Batman!" Robin yelled and the Dark figure out of the three turned.

The other two also turned around and the one which i recognized as Superman greeted us.

"Hello Teen Titans, came to take a look that this thing?" Superman said with a smile.
Robin walked up to Batman and asked: "Any idea what that thing is?"
"We are not sure. It definitely isn't a normal rock. On it's way down it regenerated it's material so it wouldn't burn up. Also Superman and Wonderwoman couldn't stop it from falling, it didn't decelerate. And before you asked how that is possible. We don't know."

Robin started to talk with Batman what kind of Material it could be made of.
"But what could it be?" Robin asked. "It doesn't seem to be organic."
"Hmm, maybe it is some sort of..." "Hey friends! Take look at what i found!" i heard my Sister yell. She was currently floating above the stone.

"What is it sis?" i asked her.
"Take a close look at it. I think there is somebody inside that thing!" she said.

I moved very close to the stone. By focusing really hard i could see an arm!

"She is right, there really is somebody inside that stone!" i said.

"Well then lets break that poor dude out a'there!" Cyborg said enthusiastic.

He shoot a blast of his Sonic Boom cannon at it, with no effect.

"Say what?! I doesn't even have scratch!" Cyborg said perplexed and angry.

"I don't think our attacks will do any damage to it. We should take it to Titans Tower to examine it a bit more. That is probably the best we can do for it now."
I said while looking at the stone.


Back at Titans Tower we put the crystal in the evidence room. It was the only room where it wasn't in the way or possibly in harms way.

The bottom side of it was flat so it could actually stand. With the darkness of the evidence room we realised that the crystal was glowing slightly.

Cause of the glowing i could see the creature a little bit better. It appeared to be human size. Two arms and legs. That was all i could see because the creature appeared to wear clothes.

"So Robin, what are we going to do with it now?" i asked him.
He walked over to a console placed near it. "I'm going to run some test on it, then we will see. But for now. there is nothing we can do."

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