Awakening and Pride

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? ? ?'s P.O.V

I don't know how long it had been since i left my crystal. Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks?

I didn't know. What i did know though was that my core generated enough energy for me to regain my consciousness.

As i opened my eyes, my core's other senses started to activate.

I couldn't fell the presence of anybody except me in the room.

Knowing that i was alone i slowly sat up and looked around.

It looked like an infirmary. My clothes were laying on a nearby chair. I looked down at me to see what i was wearing. It was a white shirt and some sweatpants. Although these clothes were comfortable i preferred my own. I went over to the chair, this clothes weren't my own so i couldn't warp them away, but i could warp my own clothes on me.

After changing i went to the window and looked at the environment. It was dark outside but we Endermen are used to the dark. I could sense a great amount of H2O in the air. Luckily i'm only half Enderman so i didn't adapt the natural weakness for H2O.

I looked at the stars. Not a single star was familiar. i couldn't even sense Etia. 'Ugh, what did get myself into this time?' i thought. 'I told that Birdbrain we shouldn't go to near to that thing but he never listens! If it wasn't for me he would already be dead! Stupid Avian...' I looked up to the right and saw this planets Moon shining bright into my face. 'Pretty Moon. It's reflecting light is pretty strong for a normal moon. Our three moons are barely reflecting any light.' I stared of into space again continuing my previous though. ' Well i guess i can't blame him. It's in the nature of an avian to always be curious. I just wish that he would be a bit more careful. I won't always be there to save his butt. He is like a second brother to me since THAT happend. I don't want to lose him too...' I unconsciously put my right hand on my left Warp Blade only to realize that they are not there. I menally kicked myself for not noticing it sooner. I released a weak ping from my core to locate my Blades. 3 seconds later the Signal came back. Through my core i was now able to see their location through these walls. I only had to get them without being noticed.

I walked down the hallway quietly, my steps barely making any sound.
I came into a big room. Infront of the window was a big screen. On the right of room were multiple devices, one colded the objects inside it down, for what reason is unclear to me, but won't judge.
Another device had an large empty space inside it and seems to be able to create Radiowaves. What for? Probably to accelerate the objects molecules to heat. Clever.

I exited the room to the right and walked down another hallway.

I was getting closer to my blades.
'It is rather funny that i so desperately need my Blades. Although i almost never use it in battle. Well the Bird has his curiousity and i have my pride' I thought while walking down the hallway.

I was now standing infront of the room which contained my Blades. I pressed the button to open the door, but nothing happened. It was locked.

"Ugh u nitra tos. Ebu skolar?" ( Ugh great. What now? ) i said to myself.
I mentally kicked myself again. ' For what do i need to open doors? I'm an Enderman goddamit. I can blink through them.' i thought to myself.

With a small flash of my eyes i was on the other side of the door. I could now see my blades inside that device. It appeared to be a scanner. The screen next to it. Showed that the can was i failure. The device couldn't understand how my blades work. Good. They don't need to know.

"It, zur taruni ed grat fragall?" ( So, how do i get you out of there? ) i said outloud.

The device required a code which i didn't had, obviously.

'Well, only one way to do it then. The birdbrain would be proud of me right now.' i thought to myself.

With one powerful punch i shattered the scanners glas dome. Reobtaining my precious Warp Blades.

With my pride restored i could now return to my sleeping quaters.


My attack on the scanner triggered the buildings alarm. An loud shrill sound echoed through the building.
Running was no real option. I just waited for the inhabitants of this building to come here and hoped that they are not hostile.

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