What did i do?

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? ? ?'s P.O.V

I sat in front of the scanning device.

Calmly I waited for the the inhabitants of this building to get here, hoping that they weren't hostile, but in the same time i mentally prepared myself for battle.
I sensed 4 of them infront of the door apparently waiting for the rest of them. It was clear that they all were going to come in at the same time, probably expecting a violent or trigger-happy enemy.

However i was very calm, as if the alarm wasn't even there.
I stood up waiting for them to come in.

As all of them were assembled i could here someone scream: "Titans GO!"
Mere seconds later they bursted through the door, only to immediately stop.

They totaly froze as they saw me. I just gave them my usual look, which is a plain bored look b.t.w.

I didn't move, neither did they. It felt like this staring contest was going on for hours. ( It actually only were 11 seconds. )

The silence was broken when the green guy morphed into a big cat and lunged at me.

With some good timing i hit him in the face and launched im across the room.

'A frontal attack? That would never have worked, no matter in what situation i'm in.' I thought to myself.

However the others didn't see it the way i saw it.
The big metal man emerged an blaster from his arm and shot me with full power.
I didn't avoid it. It's power was far to weak to actually hurt me.
It felt like a strong air breze going past my body.

As the attack ceased i was totally unharmed. Not even my robe was damaged.

The metal man was shocked that his attack had no effect. No wonder, i would also be shocked if my strongest attack would be completely useless.

I was given no break. After the metal man's attack ceased the girl with the red hair attacked me.
She threw bright green energy spheres at me. I didn't avoid this attack either. Some of the spheres exploded on contact, some bounced of me.
Still no damage.

However that girl could fly and was moving towards me while throwing the spheres.

As she got close enough i shot an Ender Sphere from my hand hitting her in the chest and launching here across the room.

I suddenly felt an mental disorder in my core. Someone tried to get in. However the invader wasn't hard to find.

It was the cloaked girl just standing by the door.

I channeled Pure Ender in my core and used it to push her out of my core. I pushed until i reached her head and shocked her.

( All this only took around 3 seconds. )

As i shocked here she gripped here head and fell to the ground.

3 down 1 to baffeled to fight. Leaves two if my maths doesn't fail me.

I could sense the boy with no powers behind me trying to sneak up on me. Fool.

I pretended not to sense him. As he got near he tried to hit me on the head with his staff.
He lifted his staff and striked. While the staff moved i turned around and grabed the staff.

I used the moment of surprise, took the the staff from him and hit him across the head.

Being knocked out by his own weapon really must have damaged his pride.

Only one left. It was the woman i saw when i woke from my crystal. She made no move to attack me. So did i.

Putting my hands to my side i calmly walked towards her.

Blackfire's P.O.V

So it was the creature who broke in. He went here to optain his devices back.
Beast Boy being Beast Boy the first thing he did was attack it.
Didn't end up so well for BB. He was launched across the room and into the wall falling unconscious immediately.

After that, the others attacked as well only i stayed behind.

In less than 5 minutes all other Titans were defeated and the creature didn't even had a scratch.

It turned towards me and looked me in the eyes. It didn't seem like it was going to attack me.

It put its hands on its sides and walked towards me.

When it was infront of me it started to talk.

"Olalore, die jigraku tu?" it asked.

I didn't undertand i single word it said.

So all i could do was giving it an confused face.

Luckily that was all it needed. It nodded and put a hand on my forehead.
I don't know why ,but i didn't flinch.

Some light appeared around it's hand. I didn't knew what it was doing but i didn't fell anything happening.

The procedure lasted around 20 seconds. It then removed it's hand and looked it me for a moment.

It then smiled at me and said,

"There, that's better. You can understand me now can't you?"

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