He seems Nice

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Blackfire's P.O.V

Needless to say. I was totally stunned.

It learned an entire Language in seconds.

"Wh- what? But how?" i said.

It smiled and said "I copied you knowledge of language. I have to say this language wasn't very hard to understand anyway."

"But lets forget about that for now shell we? I think it is about time for some introductions. My Name is Enderio. I am an half-enderman from planet Enderia in the Etia System. And you?"

"My name is Komand'r, but you can call Blackfire like everyone else. I'm a Tamaranean from Planet Tamaran. I moved to earth around a year a ago." I answered.

"It is nice to met you Blackfire, i would love to keep chatting but we should get your friends out of the rubble." he said while pointing at Beast Boy.

"Good Idea. You start getting them out of the Rubble and i try to get Cyborg back to his sense." i told him.

I walked over to Cyborg trying to get his attention. "Cyborg? Can you hear me? Cy!"
Nothing worked, no matter how hard i screamed. He just kept staring at the place where Enderio was standing when he shot his blaster at him.

"Can't get his attention?" Enderio said. I didn't even notice him walking towards me.
I turned towards him and saw my friend floating in the air behind him engulfed in purple Energy.

"Uhm.." i said while pointing towards them. He apparently knew what i was talking about even without looking.

"What? Did you expect me to carry them all by hand?" he smirked while saying that.

I roled my eyes and turned back towards Cyborg.

"Anyway. No i can't get his attention. It seems like he is completely frozen." I said while waving my hand infront of Cy's face.

"Hmm.. Is he by any chance a stuborn hothead?" he asked.

"Well, yes but why do you ask?" i asked confused.

"I might have an idea how to get his attention. Step aside." he said.

He stepped infront of Cyborg. I didn't suspect what happend next.

Enderio punched Cyborg across the face. Hard.

But what was even more surprising. It worked.

In matter of seconds Cyborg came back to his sense.

"Wow wh- huh, what happend? And who are you?" Cyborg asked confused.

"I'll explain later. Let's get out of here for now." Enderio said while walking towards the door.

As my floating friends automatically moved towards Enderio. Cyborg couldn't stop noticing.

"Uhm Black? Why are our friends unconscious and floating?" he asked very confused.

"Well you guys all started to attack Enderio. And as a matter of selfdefense he knocked them out." i said plainly.

"WHAT?! All of them?! How long did that battle last?!" he asked, well screamed is more accurate.

"I dunno, somewhat around 3 to 5 minutes." i answered.

"WHAT?! 3 to 5 Minutes?! Wh- HOW?!" he screamed even louder.

"Cyborg it is in the middle of the night, so could please not SCREAM INTO MY EARS!" i yelled.

"Oh right sorry." he said while scratching the back of his head.

I rolled my eyes and said "Its fine. Let's just follow him."

Enderio didn't wait for us. He already was halfway towards the Living Room. I walked up to him and asked.
"Hey Enderio can i ask you something real quick?"

"Sure, go ahead." he answered.

"How did you know that punching Cyborg across the face would help him to snap out of it?" i asked.

"You see, my best friend is a stuborn hothead as well. And hitting him across the face worked wonders on him, so i thought 'Maybe it is compatible'" he said smirking.

The rest of the walk was silence. As we reached the living room Cyborg asked " So what now? Do we wait for them to wake up?"

"It is in the middle of the night, so i don't think they will wake up anytime soon." Enderio answered.

"So what do we do? Should we bring them back to their Rooms?" i asked.

"Thats what i had in mind. Would you be so kind and show me where their rooms are." Enderio said.

" I'll handle Beast Boy. Just give him to me." Cyborg said smilling like nothing at all happend.

Enderio had no problem telling which one Beast Boy was since Cyborg was already trying to pull him out of Enderio's Energy Field.
I saw Enderio rolling his Eyes and releasing Beast Boy from his Energy Field.

"Alright then, good night!" Cyborg said loud and proud as ever while he was walking towards BB's Room.

We brought the others back to their rooms and then parted ways.

"Good Night Enderio, see you tomorrow." i said smilling while i waved at him.

He nodded and said "Good night to you too Blackfire."

Enderio's P.O.V

'Well that was something.' I thought.
'Blackfire seems to be nice. Although, for some reason i prefer the name Komand'r, but i can't call her that. I don't want anyone to get wrong ideas.'

'Cyborg is ok, just 'loud and proud'. But i can deal with that. If i can deal with an stuborn hotheaded hyperactive Avian, i can deal with him.'

I layed down on the bed thinking of my home. 'I hope everyone is alright. Mom and Lilith are probably worried sick. Funny, my sister often pretends not to care about me, but i know she does. I hope the Bird is alright. He might be annoying, but he still is like a brother too me. I don't want the same thing happening to him what happend to... No Enderio you are not thinking about it again! That was 7 Years ago! Just get over it!'

Noticing that i won't be able to think about anything else i closed my eyes and soon drifted of into a dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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