After the Battle

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King dice pov.

I woke up. I looked around to see that I was in the devil's office. I try to sit up and a sharp pain attacks my side. "Oww!" I say as I rub my side. I look at my hand to see it covered with splotches of blood. I remember what happened and jerk up to find boss. As I attempt to move, I feel sharp claws rest on my shoulder. "Don't get up." I hear the devil say. "Bos-" I was interrupted. "Sit." Boss said. I obeyed and sat down. "B-BOSS YOUR HURT." I say as I get up. I watch as boss collapses onto the ground.

I rush over to boss ignoring my pain. I try to lift him, but he was too heavy. "Dammint." I say to myself. How could I be so weak. I begin to patch him up on the ground. I cover some wounds with pieces of my already ripped up shirt. I removed some glass from his wounds. The wounds make me wanna puke, but I continue.

Devil's pov.

I look to see Dice panic as he tries to patch me up. I feel weak, and everything went black. I wake as Dice was finishing up. I sit up to see that Dice was injured more than me. "Dice your in worse condition than me." I say as I get up off the ground. I pick Dice up and place him on my desk for a flat surface. I begin to try and fix him up, but I have no Idea what I'm doing. -How could those two hurt him this much.- I can't believe he tried to stop them all by herself.

I sit him in my chair. I examined him. I saw as dice's shirt was torn and ragged looking now. I opened the draw and grabbed the tux he told me to wear. I hate wearing clothes. I take the white button up shirt and place it onto my desk. I look at his shirt and try to take it off. My hands are to big so I try to use my claws.

King Dice pov.

I wake to see boss trying to remove my shirt. I blush slightly at his frustration. "Damn Button's" The devil mumbled as he tugged and pulled at the buttons. "You haven't even asked me to dinner, yet." I snickered. I noticed as the boss face slightly turns red -Does he like me?- I blush lightly and unbutton the buttons. Boss slides my shirt off gently as to not hurt me too much. I wince at the pain. "Sorry." Boss mumbled. It feels weird, he never apologizes for something.

Devil pov.

-God he's fucking hot- I lightly blush at his chest. Ugh, I need to snap out of it. But. . . I put the shirt on him. I try to button, but just end up getting frustrated. "Boss you know I can button it if you can't?" Dice snickered. I can do it I'm the devil I can do anything. "I can do it." I say frustrated. I finally manage to button the dumb shirt. I watch as Dice tries to get up. I place my hand on his shoulder. "Umm. . . Boss I need to go back to work." Dice says as he tries to get up once more but I push him back into the chair. "Your falling apart you will stay here, that's an order." I say as I try to make him stay. I don't know why but I want him here, with . . . me.

King Dice pov.

I obey boss and stay seated. I watch as he pull out a cigar and lights it. Ugh I hate the smoke of cigars. "Ugh Boss, would you mind not smoking that near me." I say as he takes a puff of his cigar. "I hate the smoke." I say as I fan away smoke. Boss looks at me and pulls me to his face. He blows a puff of smoke into my face. "See it's not that bad." He says as he pulls me closer. We both become entranced in each other's eyes. I move closer to him. And He pulls me even closer until our lips are almost touching. He takes another smoke from his cigar and kisses me. He blows the smoke into my mouth and are tongues dance in the smoke.

Boss is right tho, the smoke isn't that bad. We stop kissing and we both begin to blush extremely. Bosses ears go down. He sits in his chair and says nothing. I stand in front of him and put my arms on each side of his face. -WHAT AM I DOING HE'S GONNA KILL ME- "Dice get off me." He says in his rough, sexy voice. "I'm sorry boss, but I can't do that." I say I move my hand and brush his ear and his face went from serious to extremely satisfied. As if he just had hardcore sex. I rub his ear and his other ear flicks. Each time I rub his ear his other flicks.

I realize what I'm doing and get off him. "I-I'm sorry boss I shouldn't hav-" I was interrupted as his tail wrapped around me and pulled me into his chest. "B-Boss." I say confused. "Touch me." He says. I sit on his lap and I begin to rub his ear once again. I watch the other one flick and I begin to rub both. He begins to pant and I begin to rub a bit faster. I feel something under me. I snicker. Boss grabs my waist and pulls me closer into his chest. His rubs across mine. I blush and my pants become tight. I guess I stopped rubbing his ear cause I heard boss chuckle. "I didn't think you wanted me that bad." He laughed looking down at my crotch.

Devil pov.

I feel as he stops rubbing my ear. I look down and see that he was harder than I was. I snicker. "I didn't think you wanted me that bad." I laughed. He gives me a pouty face, and grabs both of my ears. He begins to rub my ears and he smiles that sexy smile. I can't help, but pant. It feels good. I hate looking so weak, but it feels so fucking good. There's a slight knock at the door. Dice stops rubbing my ears and my breathing slows. I give him a pouty face.

King Dice pov.

Devil gives me a pouty face as I stop rubbing his ears. "Sorry Boss, but I'm gonna see who knocked. As I begin to get up. Devil licks my cheek. A lavender blush covers my face. I look at boss and he gives me a lust full smile as he licks his lips.

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