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King Dice's Pov.

I wake to the feeling of cold rushing water pour from the top of my head to the floor. "WTF!?" I yell as I jump up. "That worked." Mr. Wheezy laughed. Pirouletta smiled. "I bandaged the wound and I made sure there was no shards of the blade left." She smiled. I smile back. Boss stands up and walks off. He seems upset, but I rather not push it.

I stand up and feel the pain in my side shock through my body. I fall back on the stool. "Fuck." I say as I cover my side with my hand. Devil turns quickly and walks over to me quickly, but he doesn't run. "You okay?" Dev says. His concern makes me smile. "I'm fine, well I'm not dead, so yeah. I'm Okay." I smile. Dev takes a breath and changes back to his emotionless resting face. "Everyone back to work, Except you Dice. You can have a few days off until you heal." Devil says as he turns and heads back to his office.

I try to get up, but my legs collapse beneath me. Lucklie Dev and Wheezy catch me. "I'll take you to your room." Dev says as he puts one of my arms around him. He helps me walk to my room. He opens my door and lays me down on my bed. He looks at me and sighs. "Is everything alright Dev?" I ask as I attempt to sit up, yet the pain in my side keeps me where I am. Dev notices my struggle and sits me up. He sits on the edge of the bed. I place my hand on his back and gently rub his back.

"What's wrong Dev?" I ask as I rub his back. "Your hurt. It's all my fault, I knew that I shouldn't have opened today and yet I did." Boss said in an agitated tone. I smile and hug him from behind. "You are fine Dev. I'm Okay." I said. Dev turned to me and snickered. "You need anything?" Dev asks. I smile. "No, You wanna take a nap with me?" I ask. Dev thinks for a moment, and then nods. "Sure" Dev says as he closes the curtains and turns off the lights.

His eyes light up the room slightly, yet just enough so he can help me lay down. We lay down and he pulls me into his chest. He keeps one of his hands underneath my wound. It slightly stings for a moment, but then it feels as if it healed. I look under the bandages. The wound was smaller, yet that was because the blade had been removed. Yet there was a slight difference. There was a clear gue on it. It was slowly healing, it and it made it feel less painful.

I look at boss confused. He only smiles and kisses my forehead. I blush lightly and then smile. I snuggle up against him and we both pass out.

The Next Day

Devil pov.

I wake to the sound of crying. I sit up to see what or who was crying. I see Dice. Gold tears streaming down his face as he rolled and turned in his sleep. I sit up and lightly shake Dice. "Dice wake up. Come on Dice it's just a dream." I say. Dice sits up as his eyes jerk open. He begins to breathe very heavily. He places one of his hands on his chest. I place a hand on his back and gently rubbed his back. "Shhh, It's okay. Your okay." I say as he weeps into my chest.

I hold him as he stops crying. He passes out in my arms. I sigh and lay him back down. I get up and walk to the restroom. I sit on the bathroom floor and think. -Am I really gay? I know I love him, but. . . What am I saying, Of course I'm gay.- I stand up and look in the mirror. My wounds are all completely healed. I see someone in the mirror behind me. I turn to see a Dice. "Who are you?" I say. This may be a Dice, but it isn't my dice. The spirit touches my cheek. I give the spirit a weird look.

"Take care of my son." The spirit says. "MOM!!" Dice said with angry in his eyes. "YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!! I KILLED YOU!!" Dice yelled. He walks up to the woman about to hit her. I grabbed Dice and hold him. "B-Boss?" Dice says to me. "Don't do that you'll regret it." I say to him. I let him go and he looks at his mom. "What are you doing here?" He asked. She stays silent and looks at me. I smile. "I was talking to him." She pointed to me. "What did she say?" Dice asked me. "Take care of my son." I said. "Hah you don't really care about me. You let father beat me and the rest of are siblings." He said. The woman cried.

"You weren't the only one beat. Your father beat me every single day. I was told If I loved you he would kill me and I loved you anyways. I went through everyday, being beaten, because I loved you." The eyeless woman cried. Dice covered his mouth and cried and I just stood there. Awkward as can be watching. Dice hugged his mother. They talked and cried. Dice turned to me and laughed. "You must feel extremely awkward." Dice laughed. I rubbed the back my neck and laughed nervously.

Dice grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of his mother. "Mother, this is my boyfriend Lucifer." I smiled nervously. The mother slightly smiled and hugged me. I tried hugging back. "Hi." The woman said as she let go me. I smiled. "Hi." Dice laughed at my nerves blabbering. Dice hugged me. I smile. Dice tells me to come down. I lean down and Dice grabs me and kisses me. In shock I just stare for a second. I close my eyes and smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Dice asked while we kissed. "Your mother is still here." I say trying not to laugh. Dice stops kissing me and blushes. "Hahaha." I laugh. Dice hits my arm. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?" Dice yelled embarrassed. "Your the one who all of a sudden kissed me." I laugh. Dice turns and crosses his arms. He leaves the room silently. "Oh come on babe." I say as he leaves. His mom smiles. "I need to go, but please. Take care of him." She says sadly. "I will, I promise." I say. She smiles and disappears.

I leave the room. I see Dice. He's sitting on the edge of the bed, upset. I wrap my arms around his waist. "Come on Dice, I'm sorry." I say. He turns his head. I whimper and he breaks. "Fine, I forgive you." I kiss his cheek and walk off. "Time for work." He tries to get up. "Nope you're not." I say. "Your not completely healed yet." I say pushing him back into bed. "But Devvvv. . . It's boring in here." Dice pleads. I fight my urges. "Fine, You can come to my office and help sign paperwork, BUT if you get up to leave the room you're going straight to bed." I say. I really didn't want him to leave the room, but he has a point. It's quite lonely and boring.

We walk to my office. Mr. Wheezy spots Dice. "Yo Dice you should be laying down." Mr. Wheezy says as he stands in front of Dice. "I'm fine, plus boss said that I can work on some paperwork while I rest." Dice said. Mr. Wheezy looked at me and sighed. "You really should be resting, but whatever the boss says." Mr. Wheezy walked off. I opened my door and Dice walked in. He began paying bills and what not. I went back to the stack of contracts. I found the name again. "Why do you keep showing up?" I say. The name taunts me. "Your just bad luck." I say as I grab my quill.

I look around and then go to sign the contract. As I begin to sign the contract I feel my life begin to fade. I stop. Dice looks at me scared. "D-Dev?" He says. "Did you feel it to?" I ask Dice. He nods. I look at him and explain the contract. "Isabella Canales. . .She determines are life?" Dice asks. I shrug. We walk downstairs to see that everyone is in a state of shock. "Who else felt there life basically fade?" Dice asked. Everyone raised their hand. "Okay well don't worry about everyone you are fine." Dice said. The voice was soothing and calmed everyone.

King Dice pov.

I turn to boss and we go back upstairs. We sit on the couch. "So if you sign that contract are life will end." I say looking up at boss. He nods. I feel my heart drop. Boss looked at me and smiled. "Well guess I'm burning that contract." Devil said. I smiled. I kissed his cheek. "Now take a nap." Boss said laying me down on the couch. I grab his hand. Dev looks at me confused. "I love you." I say. Dev is surprised and then smiles. 

A/N I'm sooooo sorry I took me so long. My life has been shit and I've been trying to keep people together. I hope you enjoy, you all very much deserve this Chapter. Once again SORRYYYYYY!! I love you all ~ Isabella Canales

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