Short Chapter

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King Dice Pov. 

“Damien?” I suddenly feel something small hop on my shoulders. I look up to see a small giggly Damien on my shoulders. “Oh there you are. You wanna learn some more card tricks?” I smile. Damien nods and I walk to the bar and sit next to Dev. “What you doin drinkin this early?” I ask. Dev chuckles. “Waitin for you so I can give you this.” Dev said as he handed me a small box. Inside was a small bottle of extremely fancy ‘ X ‘ Pure Perfume. (I have no idea if this is a good perfume, I can’t smell and I’m poor) “B-Boss-” “What did I say about you calling me that? I’m Dev, Your boyfriend. Remember, You don’t have to call me that.” The red faced grumpy fluff ball says. I smile and kiss Dev’s cheek. “It’s amazing, but you didn’t have to get me this.” I say. “I know, I just. . . thought I should get you something. . . Just fucking take it.” Dev says getting up and walking off. “Kissing is gwoss.” Damien says. I fake gasp. “So I shouldn’t do. . . THIS.” I grab Damien kissing him all over as Damien wiggles. “Ewwwww Mommmm.” Damien says. “Mom?” I ask, pulling away. “Well yeah Dad told me to call you that, he said he was Dad and you wewe Mom.” Damien says. I turn to see a ‘Oh shit’ expression on Dev’s face. 

Devil Pov. 

I turn to see a very annoyed Dice as Damien tells him what I said earlier. Fuck. I smile nervously and Dice places Damien down and walks towards me. Shit, Shit, Shit. Dice stands in front of me and places his hands on his hips. “So how exactly am I the Mother?” Dice asked. “W-Well you were t-the one who g-gave him life.” I say. Dice hmmfs and thinks then rolls his eyes. “Fine.” Dice hmmfs going back. Oh thank fuck. I watch as he walks back his hips swaying teasingly. I hmmf, this is gonna be a long day. I walk over and pick Damien up. I carry him to the office and hold out a book with different types of dark magic. “Which word sticks out to you?” I ask. He looks over everything then points at one. . . Illusions. I chuckle, that’s a strange choice. As I begin to see what Damien can do, I see Isabella in the corner watching him with fascination. “You seem to be very interested in everything.” Her face turns black and she looks down. She lifts the bottom part of her dress to show her ankles are black from where chains had been, She shows her wrists and neck to show the same black circle. 

King Dice Pov. 

I walk into the office to see the young lady in the corner. She gives me a soft smile and curtsies. Soon Damien gets up and walks towards her, startling her. “Youw vewy pwetty ma’am.” He says, making her face turn black. She disappears flustered and Dev and I laugh. I watch as Dev gets up and gives me a smirk he walks over and kisses me. “Ew Dadddd.” Damien says as he covers his face. “You guys awe gwoss.” He says as Dev laughs and kisses me more. He sits at his throne as Damien runs out shutting the door. Dev smiles. “Well I guess he doesn’t like you being flustered and cute.” Dev laughs as I roll my eyes. I kiss him and rest as he gets back to work. 

✡King Dice X Devil✡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora