Chapter seven

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Commander Leyl found herself sitting in a troop transport with the rest of her men. She shuffled side to side on the metal bench. Leyl always hated flying, hence why she opted out of the pilots training route of military, especially hated in atmosphere flights the turbulence always felt like AA batteries exploding just outside of the haul zone.
The captain of the carrier shouted over the rattling of the guns hitting the troopers armour "five clicks out from D.Z., helmets on and get ready for a running drop this bus is not stopping"
As Leyl placed her helmet on and locking it in place she thought to herself finally I can put my feet on firm ground even if I got to jump to it beats this damn flying rust bucket. She began to feel the craft tilt nose first as they began to descend. The turbulence began to increase then Leyl heard muffled bangs outside the ship, it was time. The city saw them and started their defence bombardment from AA-guns. But they were too low in their approach to be easy targets.
Then a large door opened behind them flooding the hold with light. And the captain shouted now over the sudden blasts of wind entering "time to jump grunts, go, go, go..." he waved his arm toward the door that now showed the ground moving quickly passed. " remember find cover asap"
It came to Leyls turn to go and with a sudden jolt to the ship instead of jumping out, the ship flung her out causing her to land hard and crash into several crates on the roadside. The crates toppled over and buried her.
"Commander, Commander can you hear me?" A voice spoke as Leyl regained semi-consensus. Her vision was foggy and blackness slowly ebbing away in her peripheral vision. She attempted to get to her feet to find this figure pushing back on her "you need to remain still ma'am, you were flung from the carrier. We are doing a routine medical inspection this won't take long" the voice was firm but seemed neutral so Leyl chose to not resist the procedure.
As the man then grabbed her hand her vision had cleared. "Apart from some stiffness and pain in your joints you are fit for service" the medic said pulling her up to her feet. As she pushed passed the man and take command she saw the troop transport smoking in the side of a building. And that's why I hate flying she thought to herself as she stretched her arms to assess the manoeuvrability for herself, she deemed apart from some minor stiffness she could still carry her riffle.
"We are to advance to here.." she said as she pointed at a small map of the city and then pointed to a group of high rise buildings "we are expecting imperial snipers located in these buildings so we will divide into four strike teams. Each team will stay tight to their designated buildings and enter immediately. Speed is especially important you all need to clear each floor, if you take too long the other teams will take casualties. Do you understand?" The legion grunted in agreement and with that Leyl deactivated the map. "Let's move out"
As they proceeded through the city they found the passage ways becoming more narrow and difficult to navigate through. They took a right, a left, another right then all of a sudden the passage opened up into a court yard.
PHEW,CHSSS!!! A bolt hit the wall to Leyls left, "spread and take cover! If you are covered lay covering fire for others to get into position" she screamed as she dived behind a civilian vehicle.
She poked her head up to try see where the shots were coming from to find the four high rise buildings flood out with imperial troopers. Shit, it's a ploy, we've been led to a killing floor like cattle. "Squads five to nine find a route through the right side buildings, squads ten to fourteen take the buildings on the left. Those remaining lay covering fire but try land as many hits on the imp scum as possible" Leyl shouted at her troop before she had finished her legion was already executing their orders.

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