Chapter eleven

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As Shyr walked closely behind Ilam she couldn't help but marvel at the rooms they had walked through and the things she seen presented in such high regard.
"What is this place general? I knew we were looking for something the sith council and the emperor wanted kept secret but all this..." She asked in utter awe of the grand scale of everything.
"This is the largest collection of sith artefacts known, the original emperor brought a lot of this stuff with him, but over the years exploration teams along with archeologists have been dispatched secretly to known sith sites in the republic." Ilam said as he continued walking un-fazed by what he passed.
"How did you know it was here? How is it you can see all this history and pass it by uninterested?" Shyr still kept pace with Ilam but every now and then she'd dart to another artefact hoping to study it in the brief time they had.
"Simple, I recognised that our objective is deeper into this vault and all this can become ours if we lop off the heads of the empire, with them die the knowledge of this location" Ilam waved a hand in dismissing Shyrs reaction to all this as nothing more than a child discovering a trinket vendor in a market.
"Of course general, but some of this dates back millennia's to the great schism, where Karnass Muur, Ajunta Pall and XoXaan we're exiled from the Jedi order and took nearly half the Jedi order with them, look its Freedom Nadds headpiece and cape. Did you know after death he still ruled a planet by using the royal blood line that took his place as vessels" Shyrs excitement kept getting greater with every step they took deeper into the vault.
"As always, your knowledge of sith history could rival several scholars, whom spent their lives studying sith history. I will admit for someone only 25 you have an adept brain for information" Ilam said as he finally halted before another great door. "Can you sense the power beyond this door?"
"Yes is this it, are we about to turn the tide of this war?" Shyr asked as she laid a hand on the door "how do we open it?"
Vroom, Ilam activated his crimson lightsaber and said "with these"
Vroom, "Of course, as always your solution is attack the problem" Shyr said with that playful grin that she makes when making mocking observations.
"There is no other way in" Ilam said as he pressed his hand against the door and moved it in a search pattern. "Here and.." as he passed his hand over the other door "here"
They both pushed their blades into the locations Ilam had singled out. The glow of the heated metal grew and grew across the doors until both growing circles met each other.
The doors collapsed on themselves. Shyr and Ilam stepped through the gaping hole they had just opened.

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